The Incident Part One

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Watchtower, December 2nd
A transmission had been sent to the Batcave to alert the Batfamily of an incident involving Bruce. This alert had been broadcast led to each member assembling in the Cave to Zeta Tube into the Tower to retrieve their father figure. They left together after making sure everyone had their gear and masks on. Selina told them to be careful as they left. They had no clue what to expect but what they saw shocked them for a few seconds before they connected the dots.
Jason, Tim, Dick, Damian, Cassandra, Stephanie, Kate, Barbra, and Duke glared at the League in disbelief and anger. This was the group that was supposed to protect Bruce. This was a group of people Bruce kinda trusted. This was a group of superheroes that were going to be in a world of pain if they didn't tread carefully.
The League stared in shock and fear at the group of Bats. They had no clue that Batman had children, let alone so many. They had just come to terms with Batman even being real, didn't know the man under the mask and starting to learn how to work with the talented man. Now they would have to explain to a bunch of pissed off Bats about why the Batman was now a child. A bunch of Bats that could kill them and remain anonymous. The whole gathered league were squirming under the collective glares of the Batman's family. No one dared to break the silence only pierced by Bruce's occasional hiccuped sobs.
Red Hood walked towards Clark, the person holding little Bruce.
"Hey, kiddo. Had a tough day huh? Let's get you back home, okay?" Red Hood spoke softly to the terrified child. He opened his arms for the little Batman and cradled him close, rubbing the boy's back in a soothing manner after wrapping the cape around the shivering boy in the cape.
Bruce calmed instantly, feeling safe in this man's arms. He saw the group with bats on their chests form a wall in between him and the weird people. For some reason that the four year old could not fathom, he trusted these people very much. A man with a blue bat thingy took a step forwards as the person holding him made sure that they were in the middle of the dark group. Nightwing gave the League the Bat Glare.
"What the hell did you do to Batman?" His voice was deep and gruff, carrying the promise of harm. Superman gulped as he was nudged forwards.
"We didn't do a thing. He got separated from us and we didn't have time..." Clark froze as Jason cut him off.
"Bullshit! Half of you have super speed. You easily could have gotten to him in seconds. How did you even get separated? Did you decide to ignore his warnings of sticking together?!" Jason knew that if he hadn't have been holding Bruce, someone would be dead by now. All the League members glanced down in shame. Jason's comm went off. It was Selina. Jason put it on speaker.
"Red Hood, calm down and return to the cave with the others. We will resolve this after we've calmed down. No one will fight right now. You know he would be disappointed." Her voice was soft, soothing, and made the Batfamily relax a fraction. All of them answered with either a 'yes mom' or a 'yes ma'am'. The comm turned off and Jason led the group through the Zeta Tube.
"Those kids are scary." Every one agrees with Hal Jordan as they went their separate ways.

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