The Nightmare of Field Trips || @emberblazeofwindclan on Wattpad

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ItsJustKai: Love this song. ^^

Thanks for letting me use your one shot Ember! :)

It wasn't that Peter Parker hated field trips.
No, he loved field trips. Everyone did. Not only was it a three day break from the normal class time (once the day before, the teacher drilling the rules into your head, the day of the trip, and the day after when no one could focus), it often messed with the rest of the school day as well. And he wasn't against a day of no school, just to let his brain rest a bit, without Tony and Steve and the rest of the Avengers dragging him off somewhere to celebrate the holidays.

Yes, field trips were his only time off.
But this time, there was a pretty big problem.
"As you all know," announced Mrs. McMahon, his physics teacher, "last week, you were given forms to approve our field trip to the Stark Industries testing ground."

Peter had no problem getting that signed. He'd expected Tony to make a big deal out of it, but he'd just smirked and signed an overly-loopy signature on the bottom. Apparently the teacher hadn't paid any attention to the signatures, as he knew Tony's signature was sure to raise a few eyebrows (his legal guardian was still listed as May, despite it being months since she'd entrusted him in Tony's care to go on some "soul-searching"). Although maybe it would've been great to have her notice and announce it or something. That might shut Flash up for half a second.

Somewhere off to the side, Flash snickered. Peter rolled his eyes. Flash had announced to the class multiple times at this point that this trip was going to prove that Peter was lying about his internship. Of course, Peter had just replied with a deliberately slow, "I work at the tower, not the testing ground," but anyone who knew Flash knew that logic wouldn't even make a dent in any of his arguments.

Ned leaned over and asked, "Is Tony going to be there?" for about the thousandth time.
Peter shook his head. "Nah, the testing ground is where the unimportant experiments get tested. I doubt Tony even remembers it's there."

Ned's shoulders dropped. "It would've been great to prove Flash wrong," he said in a way of explanation.
Peter snorted. "Whatever. Like Flash ever stops talking long enough to listen to someone else."
"Parker! Leeds!"

The two boys' heads shot up guiltily. Mrs. McMahon was staring at them with venom in her eyes.
She muttered, "you broke the suspense," quiet enough that only Peter can hear it with his super-senses, then continued. "Well, I have great news! As a reward for getting the highest national test scores this year, Mr. Stark invited us to have a tour of the tower itself!"

Everyone cheered. Someone threw their papers in the air, which Peter thought was a little overdramatic, and Mrs. McMahon snapped at them to pick them all up.

Ned elbowed Peter, a grin almost as big as when he was officially Peter's man in the chair spreading across his face. "This is it!"

Peter buried his head in his hands. "This is going to go horribly wrong."

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Peter took great care not to mention anything about the field trip to his-- to Tony. Because he knew exactly what would happen if he did: Tony would call in all the Avengers that weren't out in the field, and, at best, simply embarrass him; or, at worst, accidentally reveal his secret identity to the entire school.

Peter wasn't too keen on the second option.
So he twirled the spaghetti (courtesy of Steve) silently and ate it all as fast as he possibly could. Which was quite fast; super strength had its perks.
Peter stood up with his now-empty plate in his hands, doing his best not to look at Tony or Steve (who was coming over quite often recently for some reason). "May I be excused?", he asked, somewhat belatedly.

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