Struggle for Trost Pt.3

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Chapter 8: Struggle for Trost Pt.3

Trost, 104th Cadet Training Corps

"Yeahhhhhhh" Eren yelled at the top of his voice as he slashed through another titan's nape. Covered in the blood of the monster he lands back on the roof of a building satisfied as he had dealt another blow to the beings that drove humanity to near extinction.

He dropping his used blades and attached a new pair from the boxes attached to his ODM gear on his thighs. This was the second titan kill of the day, the first one was being a 5-meter titan that had caught on one of his squadmates and was about to push him inside its jaws when he dropped down on that monster literally like a maniac and slashed its nape. He also had already helped in taking down two more with the rest of his squad.

The raw recruits from the 104th Training corps had somehow successfully a surprise to many have been holding out against the Titans on their own for last two hours. This has been possible due to the effective command of Captain Hermann from the Garrisons and the unknown force which had been holding off the bulk of Titan horde at bay near the breach. The strategy on taking down the Titans was simple 'use your numbers as your advantage.' Two squads of cadets would gang up on a single Titan and kill it by using their numerical advantage. But this success didn't come without a price. Though the number of titans assaulting their line has dwindled the loss of life kept on rising. The line of defence the cadets have established had been shrinking every minute. For every dead Titan, at least four human lives were lost in combat. Moreover, many titans advanced unopposed through the defensive lines where the cadets were unable to deploy due to the wide front.

"Eren! we have been ordered to fall back to Captain Hermann's location." Thomas called out for him.

"Why!, we were doing fine here," he replied taking a quick glance at the slowly evaporating Titan.

"I don't know but orders are orders we have to go now."

"Fine lead the way then."

Launching his grapple hooks from his gear he along rest of his squad leapt from this roof of this building to another moving towards their temporary HQ.


Captain Hermann stood over the roof of a house looking towards the fallen Garrison HQ. Their only source to resupply his men was now gone. According to the survivors, the storage is now filled with 4-5 meter Titans. On sight of upcoming titans, Captain Woermann from the Elite forces did the unexpected. He abandoned his post along with his seasoned troops under the pretence of organizing reinforcements left the HQ virtually undefended. Leaving it in the hands of undertrained supply units. These units were massacred when the smaller titans barged in through the front gate devouring any human they could they lay their hands on.

"That fucking Coward." He cursed stomping his foot on the ground. "Who the hell made that bastard Captain of the Elites."

The situation had gone desperately for the cadets. They don't know their primary objective to evacuate civilians was achieved or had failed, After the fall of HQ they now had no connection with the rest of the command and the military. Along with staggering casualties most of the units were also running out of fuel for their ODMs. The supply corps was also out of gas. Not wanting to leave the men behind the Titan lines without fuel in their gears and blades to fight to own their own he ordered a retreat of all surviving squads to fall back and regroup at his position. After dealing with the few titans lurking around the castle and rescuing the surviving soldiers they began preparing themselves for an assault to retake the HQ.

He slowly turned around looking back towards the rest of the city they just abandoned to the Titans. The noise of sporadic musket and cannon fire could be heard at a distance. Black smoke rose from several buildings as fire from several explosions caught onto them.

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