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"I was also going to say it means you won't kill me," Stiles added. Winnie held back a laugh as Sky had to cover her mouth to hide the huge ass grin on her face. "Oh yeah that too," Scott added. Stiles dropped off Scott. "Priorities Stiles," Winnie teased. "Still hate you," he replied. "Why are your parents not freaking out about the curfew," Stiles asked the girls. "I live with my aunt and she works nights at an assisted living facility, so to her I am home," Sky answered. "So long as I'm not dead they don't give a shit is the general rule," Winnie said. Stiles looked over at her. He realized in that moment she was more than just this person that popped in every once in while. She almost seemed more real. "Don't give me that look," Winnie said. "What look he asked. "The worried look," Winnie pressed. "I'm not," he replied. "You are," she insisted. Winnie was leaning forwards in the center of the back seat. "So are we going to go somewhere or sit and wait in this parking lot until Scott's done hanging out with three hot girls," Winnie asked. "Who's the third," Sky asked. "Jackson," Winnie said as if it were obvious. 

"Speak of the devil," Winnie grumbled. "Drive," she hissed to Stiles and he looked at them confused. "Where," he asked. "Anywhere," Winnie replied and all three jumped as the window was tapped on. Sky lowered it to see Lydia. "Jesus you scared me," Sky replied. "Phone," Lydia said holding her hand out. Stiles and Winnie exchanged a confused glance as Skyler just raised an eyebrow at Lydia. "So I can give you my number," Lydia said, "Any friend of Danny's is a friend of mine." "Then you might want Winnie's number too," Sky said. 

"That won't be necessary," Winnie said scooting even more forwards to shake her head in a place Lydia could see. "I doubt you'd have much fun talking to me. I make Danny look like the straight friend," Winnie joked. Lydia laughed. "Here you can put your numbers in mine," Lydia said. "Hey Lydia," Stiles said. Winnie exchanged a look to say sorry as she ignored him. Skyler hesitantly took the phone and put in both girl's numbers. "Babe what are you doing," Jackson asked. "Talking to Danny's friends," Lydia said walking away once she had her phone back. "That was weird. Please tell me I'm not the only who thinks that was weird," Winnie asked. 

The three drove to Skyler's house and hung out in her living room as they waited for Scott's pick up text and Dominos. "I swear to god if we have to pick up Scott before the dominoes I will hang myself," Winnie joked. "So violent," Stiles remarked. "Oh hey you know how you were talking about the five year plan, If you befriend Danny it's only four years," Winnie pointed out. "You joke, but I've already been considering this," Stiles said. Sky was on the phone as the two bantered. "Can you two shut up for two minutes the pizza guy is lost," Sky barked. Winnie clamped her hand over Stiles's mouth before he could make the remark he opened his mouth to make. "I will not risk my food for your shitty jokes," Winnie said. Stiles left a little while after the pizza arrived not filling in the girls on his plan. He didn't want to worry Skyler just yet. He figured he could tell them in the morning. 

Unfortunately that plan was thrown to the side as he watched Scott run out to chase the werewolf down. "Hello," Winnie asked trying to stuff her pizza down her throat. "Put me on speaker," Stiles asked. "Okay," she replied and rewiped her hand on her jeans before lowering the phone from her shoulder pressing the speaker button. Sky looked at her confused. "My dad went to the hospital to see the bus driver. He's dead. They said he succumbed to his wounds. I told Scott and he just ran into the night to confront Derek," Stiles said. "Shit," Skyler replied. "I take it you're coming to get us," Winnie asked. "Yeah," Stiles replied. "Can I bring my pizza," Winnie asked. "Only if you promise not to get grease on my car," he replied. "Deal," she answered. "Guys Scott could be in serious trouble," Skyler warned. "That's why you're coming. To be the concerned mature one," Winnie replied. "That and there's no way in hell Winnie or I could even take on one of them," Stiles said.

They pulled up as growling emerged from the Hale house. "Oh fuck," Winnie said finishing her pizza. Skyler ran out as Stiles stopped. "What the hell is she doing," Stiles asked. "What the hell is Scott doing," Winnie asked. Sky ran in seeing Derek slam Scott in the ground and she shifted. Derek looked at her still surprised to ever see one in real life. Black scales covered her neck and contour lines like armor and a helmet. Wings sprouted from her back and Scott looked up surprised. "Enough," Derek barked. He knew he couldn't take on an unhinged dragon. "I didn't kill my sister, and I didn't bite the two of you," Derek said. Seeing Scott was no longer in danger Skyler changed back as the boys did. "I wasn't bitten," she corrected. "Then you were scratched and deep," Derek explained. She nodded staying as a barrier between the boys.

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