Chapter 12.

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I'm not dead I promise! I'm sorry I left for so long, it's been a busy few months, trust me.

Also, twenty one pilots released there new album and I love it so much! I'll be probably putting there songs for the video for the next couple of chapters because they're amazing.

I'm hoping this chapter is good because I left for so long and honestly forgot what information I had written so far so hopefully everything lines up with the story, if not, I'll fix it I promise.

Anyway, enjoy!

Song: Morph by Twenty One Pilots

" Hey Veronica. " I said in a scared tone. Veronica looked at me with a smile victoriously on her face while Logan stood there confused as to why we knew each others names.

Why does his sister have to be the one person I hate? I don't want to be the one to tell him all the reasons I don't like his sister.. how do you even tell your mate that? "Hey, I'm sorry but your sister was a pain in my ass growing up and she used to be in my pack but suddenly disappeared-.. " wait. She moved to my future mates pack, and her mom married Logan's dad.

This will be fun. Note sarcasm.

" I cant wait to chat with you again, relive old times. " she came up to hug me and I hugged her back, trying not to cringe.

" You two know each other? " Logan asked, I think he noted something was wrong because he looked at me with a puzzled expression. I try and think of something else to try not to spill the tears from my eyes. I thought all the years were behind me, but seeing her..

" Yeah! We were great friends, right Rae? " Um no. And only my brother calls me Rae.

" I'm just going upstairs, I have a drawing to finish. " I said in a low tone and headed upstairs. I felt a hand grab my wrist and felt tingles, meaning it was my mate.

" Are you okay? " he said genuinely but I wanted to be alone. I hope he would forgive me, since he doesn't know what truly happened. He just sees his mate running off while he's trying to introduce her to his sister. It is pretty rude if you think about it.

" I'm alright, " I say softly, pulling my hand away from him, " I just want to be alone right now. " With that I walk away and this time no one stops me but, I could hear the low chuckle coming from Veronica. I try not to go over there and claw her eyes out and force my legs to keep moving.

I locked myself in the bathroom in my room and slid to the floor. She brings back flashbacks of some pretty bad times.. times I'm not too proud to admit happened.

❗️Warning: This part of the chapter contains self harm❗️

I stand up and slide down my pants and then slide down my underwear and sit on the rug so that I wouldn't touch the cold floor beneath me.

I trace my fingers over the scars on my upper thighs and don't even notice a tear sliding down my cheek until it hit my thigh.

After a terrible or miserable day of school I would come home and make the marks on my body. I hate looking at them anymore because it makes me think of the pain I went through physically and mentally.

It was hard knowing what I was doing would hurt the people around me just as much as it was hurting me. When my brother found out, the look on his face would burn in my memory forever. He walked in on me because he smelled blood and saw me in the middle of me cutting myself. We both cried in each others arms that day, until I was forced to deal with the fact that I had to tell him why I did such things.



" W-Why are you doing this? " Gabriel managed to say in between sobs.

I laid my head on his chest and breathed in his smell, it usually helps me calm down when I'm upset or angry.

" There's this girl in our pack.. she's been harassing me for the past year and won't leave me alone. " I started crying again and he held my small hands in his larger ones. I could feel them shaking, signaling he is going to turn soon.

" Who is it?! I'll kill them myself. " He said through his gritted teeth.

I looked up at him to see if he was serious.. he was dead serious.

" Gabe don't say that.. " I said looking at him with pleading eyes.

" Why shouldn't I? They made you harm yourself, I wanna make sure they don't make you feel that way anymore. " He said and closed his eyes. He was fighting his wolf, trying to stay in control.

I looked away from him and took my hands from his, " I can't have you take someone's life. You won't become Alpha and it's not the right thing to do. "

" Yeah I know you're right-.. just please tell me who it is. " he brought his face to my face and turned my head towards him gently.

" Veronica Daniels. " I said with remorse.

His eyes turned black and he got up from my bed. I grabbed his arm to stop him.

" What do you think you're doing? " I say in a hushed, angry tone, it was midnight and my parents, and possibly the whole house, was asleep.

" Relax, I'm not leaving the room. " he said. I cautiously let him go and watched him as he went over to his desk and wrote something down on a piece of paper.

" What are you writing down? " I get up from my bed and walk over to him. Before I have the chance to take a look, he hides the paper from me.

" You'll see soon enough. "


End of flashback

I did see soon enough, about a month later he became Alpha. His first order of business, kicking out Veronica. Never saw her again and I was fortunate. Until now.

I saw my nightmare all over again, and I'm pretty sure now that she's here, she's going to make my life hell all over again. Just hoping she leaves soon so I don't have to tell Logan anything yet. I'm not ready to tell him about my scars yet.

I didn't realize how long I've been in here until I looked at the clock. I've been in here for an hour?

Almost right on cue, I heard a knock on the door, " Raegan? Are you okay? " Logan said on the other side of the door.

" Yeah, I'm alright. " I said and put my underwear and pants back on.

" Can we talk about why you seemed afraid of my sister? " He said, sort of hesitant.

" Uhh.. I don't know what you're talking about. " I said and unlocked the door. I opened it and saw a worried look on Logan's face.

" I'm alright, really. It's all stuff of the past and I don't want to talk about it. " I said and walked over to my closet to get pajamas.

" She was talking about how nice you were, that you guys had a good understanding of each other. " He started walking over to my closet but I came out and walked to the bathroom again, holding my pjs.

" I guess you could call it that.. " I said under my breath. Logan heard it unfortunately and looked at me, confusion written on his face.

I opened the bathroom door again and suddenly an arm flew past my head and closed the door so I couldn't go inside.

I hugged and turned to Logan. He leaned his arms on both sides of me so I couldn't get away and leaned towards my face.

" Now, I'll ask again, why are you afraid of Veronica? "

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