➵ V. Wish That You Were Here

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Monday, December 18th, 2017, 8:20am

Wish That You Were Here - Florence + The Machine

Rei's POV

Why did I agree to do this, Killian whines as we walk into the school. I should've just stayed at the house and watched over the twins. I never should've stepped foot back in another school.

Too late to change your mind now, Flash, I say. But we only have school for five days, then it's Christmas break and we're gone by the time school starts again.

Killian sighs. "OK, so we're lockers 180, 181, 182 and 183." He looks at me, "where are they."

"Why do you think I know?" I ask.

"Because you know everything," Zaine says simply, playing with his blonde hair.

I roll my eyes and mutter quietly so only they can hear, "you idiots are lucky I still remember numbers of the lockers I had two years ago. I had locker 183 my first year here, and I still remember where it is. Come on."

I lead them to where the lockers are, upstairs by the math rooms. The four lockers are on their own, with a drinking fountain to one side and a small space of brick wall to the other side before more lockers continue down the hallway.

"Whose locker is whose?" Clove asks, looking at her schedule, which has the locker number in the top corner.

It turns out Zaine is locker 180, I'm 181, Clove is 182 and Killian is 183.

"Hey guys."

I force myself to give Scott a warm smile as he, Dean and Kia come up to us.

Don't glare at her, don't glare at her, don't glare at her, Raven mumbles.

Are talking to yourself or to me? I ask.

Both of us, Raven replies.

"Did you find your lockers alright on your own?" Dean asks.

"Yah, we found them alright," Zaine says just as Kia mutters something.

"What was that, Ki?" Scott asks.

"Mate," Kia whispers, staring wide-eyed at Killian.


I grit my teeth together to keep myself from punching the red headed bitch. Clove's mouth is open, her expression shocked. Zaine on the other hand looks depressed and... Accepting?

Changeling, what are you thinking? I ask in our private mind-link.

He hesitates before whispering softly, I always feared that Flash would find somebody else to make him happy, or that he'd be mated to a werewolf. If he was a werewolf's mate, I knew they'd be able to make him happier than I ever could. So I prepared myself to be able to let him go, to tell him to be with his mate.

I hiss softly. Zaine, there is no way that Kia can make Killian happier than you can. She used me to get to Raiden, and if she wasn't related to Asher, I bet she would've gone after him too. And besides, Killian loves you, and even if you tried, there's no way he'll let you just walk away from him.

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