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(As y'all must have realized from my author's notes, I am not a succinct person. Nevertheless, I'll try to keep this note as brief as possible.)

(It's still really long. I apologize. Skip to just above the bold list if you don't want to hear me gush and ramble. It's okay. I understand.)

Long time, no chat.

Somehow it has only been six months since I posted the last chapter of SaS. But I haven't written any part of SaS since the beginning of January. That's ten months! It feels like I've been away from my favorite superhero world for way too long.

I keep meaning to return to this story and--ahem--actually finish this draft, but I haven't yet. As y'all probably know if you've made in this far. The last quarter of my pet project is from draft one and probably makes little to no sense. Still, you lovely readers pushed through it and for that I am exceptionally grateful. Seriously, Saving a Superhero has been more popular than I could ever have imagined.

Which brings me to my main point and the reason I'm breaking my silence (I haven't really been silent. I post other things. But I have been tight lipped about my dear Nova City Vigilantes).

We've almost hit 5k reads!

Okay, not the most prestigious milestone, but that seems like a big number for me. It's definitely a large enough number to make me CRAZY anxious. How are so many people reading my dumb story? Why?

But no matter how terrified I am, I am also unbelievably happy! Look at this thing that I made! People like it! It's flawed but it's NOT the worst thing! It's something I'm proud of! It's been featured on Wattpad's Up and Coming list!

I'm not saying these things to brag. I know that it never would have happened without you lovely people. I'm saying this so you understand how much SaS means to me and why I want to celebrate something as seemingly small as five thousand reads.

Now how to celebrate?

I've got some ideas. Let me know which you would be interested in, and I'll try to make them happen.

1. Finish Saving a Superhero

Okay, this is a long time coming and an obvious choice. I have the rest of SaS planned out, I just haven't written it. What would be added past chapter 18 if I finished draft two? I'm glad you asked. More of the Scholar. More of the police officer from the robbery (his name is Graham and I love him). And the best part? SUPER SUITS! How did I miss super suits in the first draft?!

No promises that this will happen soon, but if you ARE interested let me know! I want to get a feel for how many people would care enough to read more about Juliet.

2. Saving a Superhero's origin story

No, I'm not talking about learning about the Nova City Vigilante's early days when they first took down the Scholar. I'm talking about where the idea for these chicas came from. My origin story as a writer, if you will.

I'd like to combine a Q&A with this, if you're interested. You could learn about my writing process (more like lack of a writing process) and all that nitty gritty drama in my life (I'm pretty drama free).

3. Saving a Superhero: Origin Story


The idea to revisit Nova City has been bubbling for a while, and I think it's coming together. This would be an idea for the future as I have other project I'm working on now, but I figured it was only logical to suggest since we still don't know much about our leading ladies's pasts even after the book ends (Well, I know, but you don't). Like rewriting SaS, I'm mostly gauging how much people want to read this prequel.

What can I tell you about the untitled origin story? Not much, because not much is concrete yet. What I do know is: Juliet will not be the point of view character, it will still include the quirky humor so many of you enjoyed in Sas, and it will, of course, include plenty of Shenanigans™.

4. The Vigilante's Handbook

Give a nice round of applause to my current WIP! TVH takes place in the same world as SaS and, you guessed it, features a superhero.

Ava Green is the second to the worst student at Paramount Lake Academy for Trouble Youth. She can barely hold her own in hand to hand combat class, she's interrupts every teacher's lessons, and she barely has a Gift. Since her best friend went rogue three years ago, Ava has been ostracized by her peers and written off as the next super villain. It's a good thing graduation is a week away. But when finals week takes a turn for the worst and the graduating class finds themselves abandoned by their school, it's up to Ava and her band of misfits to prove their worth.

Maybe not the most interesting synopsis, but I swear the book is entertaining. Who doesn't love a good superhero academy anyway? PLUS, you get to read more of my dumb humor AND there may be—ie. definitely is—a Saving a Superhero cameo. This one is definitely happening soon (unlike my other celebration options). I have just over 20k written so far and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Mostly I added this to hype it up.


5. I'm out of options

Do you have an idea of how I should celebrate? GOOD! because I don't really. Let me know what you want to see happen. And let me know in the comments, inline comments, DMs, posts on my profile, tweets (find me @space_dorkiest), a messenger pigeon. Anyway to let me know if you want to see something.

Thanks again for nearly five thousand reads! I am truly awed and forever grateful, so much so that I cannot put it into words. Each of you means so much to me, even if you're a silent reader, even if you didn't finish reading, even if you have no clue what you're doing here.

Love you all!

-m burton

PS. As long as this chapter is up I still am taking suggestions!

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