Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 

From the time we all get up, everybody’s waitin’ fer the group that went out on the run ta’ get back. They should be comin’ any time now. They said they’d try ta’ be back fer lunch if they could, but we really ain’t expectin’ them ‘til about dinnertime. 

In the meantime, I’m busyin’ myself with organizin’ the medical supplies and watchin’ Judith. I convinced Beth ta’ let me have her again today, and she gave in pretty easy once Zack started loiterin’ around where we were sittin’. How she became primary caregiver ta’ Judith durin’ the day, I will never know. Girl’s ‘bout as intelligent and diligent as sack a’ dirt.

I liked havin’ Judith around yesterday. It kinda took the edge off the loneliness I was feelin’, and she’s just cute as a button. She ain’t a difficult baby either, so that only makes it better. Today, Judith’s taken ta’ playin’ with some paper that I gave her. She likes crinklin’ it, and it gives her little hands a challenge, so she ain’t gettin’ bored anytime soon.

“When Daddy gets back, I’ll take ya’ ta’ see him. I bet he broughtcha’ somethin’,” I say ta’ Judith. She gurgles a little and keeps playin’ with her paper, now attemptin’ ta’ rip it. I know Judith probably can’t understand what I’m sayin’, and she certainly can’t talk back ta’ me, but I don’t care. It’s nice ta’ just talk ta’ someone who can’t answer back sometimes. 

A little while passes and Carl floats into the infirmary. He’s alone, and when I ask him what he needs, he says that he just wanted ta’ see Judith and sits down on her blanket with her. 

“Man, she loves this paper,” Carl remarks. I nod and watch as he gives Judith a kiss on the head. She smiles at him and giggles a little before goin’ back to her paper.

“I know. I feel pretty good fer thinkin’ that up.” I smile a little as Carl straightens Judith’s little socks and fixes her hair like a little mother hen. He loves this baby just as much as his daddy does, there’s no doubt about that. 

“She been OK lately? She had a fit this mornin’ and it wasn’t like her. I thought maybe she was sick or somethin’.” Carl looks at me, concern linin’ his features. He looks like his daddy when he makes that face. I smile and shake my head.

“Yeah. She’s just teethin’. They cry a lot when they’re goin’ through that.” This seems ta’ reassure Carl, and he nods, totally relaxin’. 

“Alright,” he says shortly. “Teethin’ is good. I just don’t want her sick.” 

I have ta’ hold back a laugh about how Carl’s actin’ more like a concerned parent than an older sibling. It’s sweet how he’s worried about his sister.

An image a’ my brother suddenly pops into my mind suddenly. He used ta’ worry about me like Carl worries about Judith. He was five years older, so I was always constantly tryin’ ta’ grow up and be like him. I remember that once, when I was four, I was startin’ my first day a’ school. I wasn’t even scared ‘cause Nate told me that he’d beat anybody who gave me problems to a pulp the night before at dinner. Next thing I know, we’re sixteen and twenty-one, and I’m findin’ him stealin’ money outta my purse at Christmas so he can buy his next fix. How quickly things change.

Just as I’m startin’ ta’ pick through some other bad memories, Maggie comes boundin’ in, announcin’ that everyone’s back from the run, and then darts outta the room again. Carl shoots up and starts runnin’ out the door, but he stops short and from me ta’ Judith sheepishly. 

“You want me ta’ help ya’ with her or…?” I know Carl’s excited ta’ see his daddy come back, so I smile and shake my head.

“Go on and see ya’ daddy. I got her.” I bend down promptly and start gatherin’ Judith’ things. Carl grins and runs out after Maggie, tossin’ a thank ya’ over his shoulder. It doesn’t take me long ta’ get Judith’s little things together, and once I have her bag on my shoulder, Judith and I start trekin’ out together to the gates.

Scarlett (Rick Grimes/OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ