Chapter 45

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"Hey guys," Colin Creevey said, clearing his throat loudly. The people in the Gryffindor Common Room turned to look at him expectantly. "I need Lee Jordan and one of Harry's friends to go see Professor McGonagall."

" 'One of Harry's friends'?" Hermione repeated. "She didn't say which?"

Colin shrugged. "I don't think it matters. Since she just needed someone and the Second Task is tomorrow, maybe it's for that."

"The egg did say something about a treasure," Harry agreed. "So...which of you wants to be my treasure?"

"Not it," Neville called immediately. "I know Dumbledore would never intentionally let anything happen to us, but things tend to go wrong whenever you're involved."

"You say 'wrong' I say 'more interesting'," Harry demurred. "What about you two?" he asked his other two close Gryffindor friends.

"You're not taking this task nearly seriously enough for me to put my life in your hands," Hermione said frankly.

"Sorry, mate," Ron apologized. "I really want to watch the Task and these things are always less enjoyable to witness when you actually take part in it."

"So what am I supposed to do?" Harry demanded. "Luna can't do it because she's a judge and my three best friends can't be bothered."

"I'll do it," Ginny offered.

Harry turned to her, surprised. "Really? But I thought you didn't think much of my 'hero' abilities."

Ginny gave him a small smile. "I've always had faith in your saving-people abilities, I just wish you'd be more heroic about it and not keep copping-out."

Harry shrugged. "Yeah, well, what works works, you know?"

Ginny rolled her eyes. "One day you'll do something epic; you'll simply have no other choice."

"Probably," Harry agreed. "But not until I absolutely have to."

"Hey Ron, shouldn't you be more concerned that Ginny's going to risk her life for Harry?" Neville asked.

"Why should I be?" Ron countered. "Harry's already made it clear that he's not looking to date right now so he can spend more time on his insanity."

"Most people would say 'studies'," Hermione noted.

"Yeah, but this is Harry so no one would believe him," Ron pointed out.

"True, but what I actually meant was Harry still doesn't seem to be taking this very seriously so shouldn't you be worried about your sister's safety if not necessarily her virtue?" Neville questioned.

"I'm not the one who doesn't have faith in Harry's saving-people thing," Ron responded. "That's you and Hermione."

"Tell you what; if it makes you feel any better Neville I'll give Ginny my favorite good-luck rock," Harry offered, pulling an ordinary-looking brown rock out of his pocket.

"You really don't have to," Ginny told him.

"I know, but I want to. Besides, this way you know at the very least I'll be trying to get my rock back," Harry said seriously. "Please take it."

Ginny sighed. "Fine." She took the rock from Harry's outstretched hand and slipped it into her own pocket.

"Excellent," Harry beamed. "Keep it with you during the task; you never know when something might go horribly wrong and you'll need a little extra luck."

"What about you, Lee?" Fred asked.

"Are you going to refuse to go because we're not being 'serious' enough?" George continued.

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