Chapter 8

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I find my happiness where the sun shines .

Today was unlike most days here in Mystic Edge. The sun seemed to shine bright over head. For once the mist and rain seemed to subside. I looked out my bed room window at the foreign weather.

I could do one of two things on this fine Wednesday afternoon. I could check Bethany out of school and we could go on a picnic or I could ask my sister to go with me and deal with the awkward conversation. Opting with the first rather than the later I dig through my closet for anything that wouldn't suffocate me.

Most of my dresses I inherited from my sister as she didn't have enough room in her closet and I apparently didn't have any taste. Her words not mine. It's not that I didn't have taste it's that I would rather be comfortable then look cute. Today however seemed different. I wanted to not just feel cute, I want to look cute.

Taking that in mind I pull out a dress that had been pushed to the back of my closet. Looking the maxi dress up and down I made a decision to dust off the dirt and try it on.

The dress flowed down to my feet with a slit coming up to my knee and was an ombré of deep blue almost grey. The stretchy material of the top is off the shoulders and cling to my breasts as I put it on. And the sleeves slipped down it was most definitely an off the shoulder duo.

I twirled in the mirror. I definitely felt pretty. Putting on a pair of brown sandals I let my natural short hair flow in its waves and my face go bare.

I went down the stairs and to the kitchen where my sister sat on the island hair thrown up in a messy bun, bare face, and in her pjs. She looked up at me and smiled, "I see someone's finally decided to take my fashion advise."

I shook my head, "I can't wear pants to go on a picnic"

My sister raised her eyebrows, "Ouu do tell!"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm checking Bethany out of school for the day since it's so nice and we're gonna go have a picnic."

Vanessa frowned, "You got my hopes up little sister."

"Of course I did. Do you know where the wicker baskets are?"

"Under the kitchen sink," she looked back down at the computer that sat in front of her.

I opened the cabinet that are under the kitchen sink and grab one of the three wicker baskets. Grabbing a wash cloth from the sink I wet it with warm water and wipe down the basket. My eyes landed on my sister while doing so she seemed deep in thought.

"Need any help?"

She looked over at me,"I have to do this by myself little sister."

I shook my head she never let me help her on school work, "Ok. I'm here if you need help," I began to pull out the sandwich stuff.

I made the perfect sandwiches. Two peanut butter & jelly, two honey & peanut butter, and two plain ham & cheese. I wrapped the sandwiches in plastic rap and set them in the basket.

Next, I dug through the fridge for my pineapple that always got pushed to the back of the fridge. Finding it I cut it up and place the fruit in two separate containers. I do the same to the bags of grapes. Putting them in containers not cutting them.

Finally, I grabbed the family size of lays chips. Vanessa stands up and hands me the twelve pack of apple juice boxes, "don't forget a drink."

"Thanks," I take the juices, "well I'll be leaving, call if you need anything."

"I will. Have fun!" I grab my keys and the wicker basket making my way to my baby. I set the basket in the passengers seat.

Once inside the car I put the keys in the engine and back out of the driveway making my way to the high school.

             "You're here to pick up miss Star?" The old lady at the front desk asked.

"Yes, her ur, dog got ran over. He might not make it," I fake sniffled.

"Oh um yes of course we'll call her up for you," I nodded. Five minutes later Bethany walks into the office.

"Zaria?" I nod my head.

"I'll tell you the awful news in the car."

She scrunches her eyebrows, "Oh no who died?! Is my mom okay?!"

I fake sniffle and try to hide my laughter, "In the car," we walk out the office and I burst out laughing.

"What why are you laughing?!" She gave me a look.

I shook my head, "You're so gullible!"

Bethany frowned. We arrived at my car and she opened the door, "You pulled me out of school to have a picnic?"

"Yes, if you want I can check you back in?"

She shook her head, "No no I'm good. You could've just said that in the first place though!" She put the basket at her feet and buckled up. I did the same.

"Well for all the trouble I'll let you pick the park we go to," her face lit up with an evil smirk, "what's that face for?"

"Nothing, can we go to Evergarden park?" I nod my head and pull out of the parking lot.

Evergarden park was one of the biggest parks we have in town. It was also built in memory of our late Luna. Named after her surname, Evergarden. Her name is as graceful as she was, or so I heard.

Ten minutes later I pull into the parks parking lot, "Bethany why did you have to pick this park? It's packed!"

She shook her head, "It's my favorite. There's a nice field also. No stickers or anything you can roam barefoot!"

I rolled my eyes, "Could've found a different park that has no stickers," I finally found a parking spot and pulled in. Bethany grabs the basket and we make our way over to the field she spoke of.

People litter the park. When you think everyone would be at work they were here.

We finally found a spot on the ground, "what's with the dress?" Bethany asked as I laid out the blanket I brought.

"What? You don't like it?"

She shook her head, "I love it, but you never wear dresses."

"Well I did today so you can't say never."

She rolled her eyes. We sat on the blanket and B immediately opened the basket, "You brought all the good stuff!" She opened a pb&j sandwich and dug in I opened the pb&honey.

We enjoyed our sandwiches and soaked up the foreigner known as the sun.

My sisters boyfriend. My mate. (Editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu