Ch.8 Hopes

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"Y/N ! What do you want for breakfast ?" Their soft voice woke me up ,opening my eyes just to meet those light blue ones .

I smiled cuddling Alex in my arms on the small bed, my bed isn't that big but I love that it gives me an excuse to hold them close to my body, feeling their beating heart against my chest

"why don't I cook this time ?" I asked smiling

"no way~ remember that egg omelette you made ? Even that stray cats weren't able to eat it" they laughed at my cooking skills~ I know how to cook ! But adding vegetables threw me off

I thought it should be left on the stove to I went to watch TV while it cooked ,Alex woke up to the sound of the fire alarm, heheh~

"forget it !! I'm cooking" Alex added

"hmm~ what do we have in the fridge ?" I mumbled softly sinking my head into their shoulder

"hmm~ the fridge is almost I guess something light is what you'll get ...maybe cereals ?" They smiled creasing my hair

"eeh~ But I want something better than that...please cook for me" I sighed , I'm so hungry I could eat a horse

"fine then, I'll go to the supermarket real quick" they shifted a little

"let gooo~" they whined as I laughed

"don't leave me~ where's my morning kiss?" I held my hands around their waist

" get up" they kissed my cheek softly and my grip around them loosen, hearing their footsteps fade into the bathroom I went back to sleep !

Huh~ did they leave ! What time is it ? I sat on the bed stretching my body

I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and do my morning routine...the house was quiet without anybody around, the sounds of birds and light bikes passing by fills this thick suffocating air around the house...I don't like It like this !

Alex's presence usually manage to calm me down but being alone like this ...I hate it !

I glanced over into the living room and it was empty ,a light reflection caught my attention

"a note and a key ?" I whispered reaching for it

- Guess you dropped this when I gave it to you yesterday

      - Love Alex

Ah~ right the key !! I have to clean ...Standing in front of wooden locked door I shoved the key in the hole...*click* !

I turned the knob and pushed the door open leaving the key in the hole...huh~ what a mess !

"Y/N ?" A faint voice called from behind, SHIT !! That scared me to death !!

Judy ? "H-How did you get in ?" My eyes widened

"the door was slightly I helped myself in" she mumbled, so she fucking broke into my house ?! Is this girl out of her god damn mind or something ?!

"H-Hey...What is that smell ?" She held her nose with her tiny hands glancing over to the room behind me...the room is a fucking mess !!

"Judy please go home" I sighed

"is that the room we didn't clean that other day ?? You just opened it ? It must be stuffy in here!" She dared to pass me opening the door, she froze in place !

I picked something that laid close to the vanity next to the door

"J-Judy...Just fucking leave" I tried once again, but that bitch just won't understand the orders I'm giving

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