Chapter 02.

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Kilo Reidmonth 1

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Kilo Reid
month 1. night 1.

"Kilo Reid. That's a nice name."

I looked behind me and Mila was standing at the doorway of my cell.

"I can come in, right?" She asked.

I didn't respond as I finished making my bed, and she took a seat on the bottom bunk.

I get that she's lonely and this is a scary time in her life but I'm not looking to make any friends.

"Don't sit there." I told her.

"Why?" She asked, and she seemed nervous.

"It's not mine. It's my cellmate's. And I don't know if she's the type of bitch that'll smile when she sees another bitch on her bed."

She quickly stood up in a hurry and I laughed.

"You not gone survive here long if you keep acting like that..." I told her, honestly.

"But this place's safe, right? I read the guidebook... and it said... murder is forbidden." She said softly, and I gave her the craziest look.

Is this kid serious? This is prison, not juvie.

"Thirtie-three." Someone said, and we looked to the doorway to see someone standing there.

She was a stud with long dark hair, her features were very Native American.

"My name's Micheah but call me Mickey. Welcome to the West wing, block A." She greeted us.

"Kilo." I said to introduce myself, "You my cellmate or something?" I asked.

"Oh, no. Your cellmate is Yas. She should be heading back soon." She told me.

I wonder what kind of person she is. I just hope she's not someone irritating.

"I'm Mila. What'd you mean when you said thirtie-three just now?" Mila asks, and Mickey smiled.

"That's the number of people that have died this year." She answered nonchalantly. "But people get hurt everyday though, that's normal."

I could visibly see Mila tremble and shook my head. "You see the girl shooken up enough as is, you could've kept that to yourself."

"I just thought it was best that you knew what you were getting into instead of going in blind." Mickey stated, shrugging her shoulders.

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