Chapter 1

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   A.N. So this is my first original story and original storyline. My motivation to continue writing and adding parts to this story are all based on reader interaction!


     Faint rays of sun shown through the window partially covered with a tattered cloth. A groan escaped my lips as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I sat up and let my bare feet touch the tarnished wood floors of the abandoned cabin we called home. The slight smell of cooking eggs and frying meat hit my nostrils causing my stomach to let out a demanding growl. I shook my head, letting my shoulder length brunette hair dance around my face in the midmorning light. A soft knock came from the doorway and I averted my eyes to the figure standing there. "They have already started cooking. You should get out there to make sure you get enough." My mothers soft and solemn voice traveled through the room. I nod and saunter over to my pile of folded clothes. 

     "Let me get dressed and then I will make my way out there." I said as I pulled the oversized t-shirt over my head to be replaced by a long sleeve shirt. I pulled my socks over my feet and pulled my trousers up. Surveying my clothing, a blank look crossed my face. Everyday was a rotation between my three sets of clothes. Always clad in a pair of old hand-me-down loose sand coloured trousers with pockets galore, a fairly fitted long or short sleeve shirt, and my boots. Main articles of clothing were hard to come by, undergarments and coats were made within our clan. The women would harvest the wool or hide from our animals to make new clothes. New clothes weren't available often since we rationed the lives of our livestock as much as possible. My 18th birthday has just pasted, but I can still count the times I was given hand made clothes on one hand, all I wore was handed down from others when they no longer fit. 

     I tightened the knot on my boot and unfolded myself from the previous crouching position I was in. The smell of food was getting stronger and my stomach could tell. A fierce and demanding growl escaped again, so I exited the shack like house me and my mother shared with  4 others. Each house for our group housed anywhere from five to nine people, all depending on the size of the house. We lived in one of the larger communities in the area. Roughly 34 people were part of our community. We are self sustained, and hardly leave the small fence that surrounded the houses. Buildings and fences stood to contain the chickens, goats, and the 3 cows. Each house had a garden where they grew vegetables, and a larger field for wheat and corn lay just beyond all of the houses. 

     I exit the house and look around to survey the area. The sun shown high about the surrounding trees and cast a morning light across our small community. The people I have grown up with tended their gardens or were making their way over to the kitchen where all of the food was being prepared. I started on my way to the  brick building that stood out among all of the other buildings. A tin metal roof rested on top of the brick and extended out to cover a picnic bench to shield it from the elements. A small line was at the mouth of the door.

      As I neared, the smell of breakfast grew stronger. As if on impulse, my feet started moving faster in longer strides. The idea of food almost taking over my mind and controlling my body like a puppet. Impatiently, I stood behind Marge, a middle age woman with a small seven year old at her hip. I politely waved at Margie and faked a big grin at her child Mary. As we waited, we both drifted off into our own thoughts. Today was a big day, all about preparation for the major change that would happen at the next dawn. 

     My thoughts came to an abrupt halt when I heard a deep male voice calling my name. I whipped my head around to see Parker strutting towards the line. As he approached a charming smile crossed his face. "Hey Destiny. You ready for tomorrow?" He questioned. 

     I shrugged my shoulders and kicked the lose gravel with the toe of my boot. "As ready as I will ever be." I state and look up at the young man standing next to me. His blonde hair dusted across his brow bone and his blue eyes shown with a sense of excitement and anxiety. He was just as nervous as I was. "Do you have a game plan yet?" I question.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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