Chapter Twenty Two

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I woke up the next day bundled up within the warmth of my soft blankets with no Blaine in sight. His scent was still fresh in the air so I knew that he hadn't been gone too long.

I laid in bed not ready or even prepared to force myself to get up until a bile blocked my throat and I could feel myself about to vomit.

Rushing to the bathroom, I held my hair back with one hand while vomiting profusely until my stomach could not anymore.

I moaned at the exhaustion of it all before forcing myself into the shower and brushing my teeth. I was hoping to have at least one day to stay in bed without being forced by this baby in my belly to get up at unruly times even if it was 11 o'clock in the morning.

I was due to meet my dad in an hour or so, so after brushing my hair and applying the smallest amount of make-up, I went down stairs to get some breakfast to fill my empty stomach back up.

I ended up shoving toast in the toaster and spreading too much Nutella on it that Lena pulled a sour face at me. I laughed but continued to munch away at my toast.

I wasn't too long later that my dad was knocking on the door, I rushed over before swinging the door open and attacking him for a hug. My father chuckled, laughing at my behaviour since I had only last seen him yesterday.

"What did you fancy doing today then Ken?" My father asked while we chilled on the couch. "Hmm, would you like a tour around the territory? I haven't done it myself in quite a while." I questioned.

"Sure." He smiled, grabbing my hand helping me up off the couch.

There was so much land that I only got to show him a portion, I was just thankful that it was only my father and I. We didn't need to be escorted by other wolves, it meant I got to have all my father's attention which I had missed terribly.

We soon found a bench and stayed there talking for hours. "Why don't you come home with me for a few days, I know Blaine is busy at the moment and at least that way you can see your siblings and your mom. I know they have missed you."

I grinned at the thought. I hadn't seen them all in so long that I felt as if I wouldn't even recognise them even though that was a ridiculous thought I blamed it on the hormones. "I'd love to. I'll speak to Blaine about it over dinner later. You're due to leave tomorrow?" I questioned, I knew the answer but asked anyway.

"Yes, tomorrow around 9am." My father smirked while I frowned as it was so early. He chuckled as he knew exactly what I was like with getting up.

We headed back shortly after that as it was beginning to get dark and our dinner would be ready soon. Neither my father nor Benjamin were there, they both decided to go for dinner with their pack wolves in the human town nearby.

I sat opposite Blaine at the table while we sat there having small talk over dinner before I even suggested going to my father's territory. It wasn't going to be news that he would be fond of.

"Blaine – my dad has asked if I would like to go back home for a few days to visit my family and my old pack. We are due to leave tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock." I didn't say it like a question as then he would assume I was asking for his permission and I certainly wasn't.

To my extreme surprise, Blaine smiled and nodded. I was taken back by his calm and accepting reaction.

"You alright?" I questioned my mate with a deep frown with confusion showed clearly in my voice.

Blaine chuckled loudly. "Yes Ken, Gabriel mentioned it to me yesterday so I've already had that argument with him. I haven't been around too much lately and I have a lot to do this week, so while I'm busy you might as well take the opportunity to see your family. But don't get it wrong, you still have to meet me at the end of the territory every night so I can calm my wolf."

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