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When I played with fire,
you told  me that
I needed to be safe,
that I was pure and
not someone to play with.

You said you saw the universe in me
and I played fool  by trusting you,
little did I know
that you didn't mean,
at least that's what I know
after you always leave,
after you left
and will always leave.

And then that's when I understood
that you wanted to protect me
by actually hurting me more
by setting a big fire
and burning the inside me
and then hide the proofs
with your beautiful lies,
the ones that fuddled me
more than an old expensive wine.

You played me
by saying you wanted me,
but your intentions told the other way,

you played the protecting role
but actually ruined me more.
You set the fire.
You took the pure.
And you played.
But little did you know that a universe can't fade out
And I will live forever to throw you that     Boomerang.

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