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"I like you."

His words hang in the air, and my teary eyes widen.

The silence that follows after his comment is accompanied by heavy breathing from both us, as he moves his other hand along my temple. Everyting surrounding me falls silent, and the only thing I can hear is my heart beating out of my chest.

His eyes are locked securely onto mine, and none of us move a muscle. He holds my face upwards, staring straight into my eyes, pleading for an answer.

Pleading me to say something.


Upon hearing his words, my whole body trembles slightly. I suddenly don't know what to think anymore. It feels as if time has stopped completely, the clock on the wall silenced.

You can't be wasting your time on footballers.

You just can't.

I feel his fingers in my now tangled hair, his breathing slightly ragged as he awaits a response. The tension in the air is raised to an all time high as my mind ponders his words. I feel the last tear sliding out of my eye, before it all stops. My heart is beating out of my chest, and I can barely comprehend what is happening.

His eyes suddenly widen, as if he wasn't planning to speak his heart out randomly. 

"Fuck, I..." He cuts himself off, the longing emotion in his eyes now replaced with a new one.


What is this feeling?

Why do I feel so happy, yet so lost at the same time?

I can almost hear my mom scolding me for even being in this situation. But I can't help but remember the words my father said to me a while before he passed away.

"Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness."

Then everything clicks in, and it's like a weight being lifted off my shoulders.

My mouth parts open slightly, before the words come tumbling out. The words I now know I've been longing to say ever since my first week here.

"I like you too."

And in that moment, it's just the two of us in this world.

I watch as relief washes over his body, his shoulders sagging down and a shaky breath escaping his lips. A fresh wave of nerves washes over my body as we continue to stare right into each other's eyes, neither of us daring to breathe.

Suddenly, as if I'm not anticipating anything, he pulls me in closer, our noses touching softly. His eyes shine brilliantly, even if it's dark in the room. Every time I look into them I get lost, almost like the beauty is sucking away at my consciousness. The layers of radiant blue inscribed deeply inside his irises glow in the darkness, and they're focused on nothing but my own.

That's when I realized that I could trust him with anything.

I could trust Antoine Griezmann with my life, my soul, my heart.

His gaze slowly shifts downward, as he looks at my lips.

I let my eyes close as he leans in, and a myriad of emotions swamp me as his lips brush mine for the first time. They're softer than anything I've ever felt before, feather-light and like a whisper. I almost can't feel them because of how amazingly gentle they are, as they lightly brush against mine.

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