Chapter 10

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I was awoken by the bright rays of sunshine on my face and I groaned loudly when I realized I didn’t put down the curtains before I slept. 

Now that I was awake, I knew there was no way I could go back to sleep so I decided to freshen up and put on some comfortable clothes.

I threw on a yellow sundress which I got from my brother for my birthday last year with my white gladiator sandals.

Now that I thought about it, I hadn’t heard from my brother in almost a year.

We always spoke because he was my favourite in the family excluding my dad. Yes! I was a daddy’s girl and being the last born made it like that.

My dad and I were so close but now, I don’t know what happened because he’s suddenly marrying me off. I’d been trying to talk to him about it but I barely saw him at all in the last few months. 

Ella decided to stay with her fiancé and my dad always came back late from work. My mom was my mom so she was always traveling to get goods for her store.

She was a big time jeweller and she owned one of the biggest jewelry stores.

Drayton Andrews who was my brother was a playboy. He didn’t necessarily sleep with girls but he was with a different girl everyday and he did it to piss my dad off. 

He was supposed to take over the company but he left home two years ago because he wanted to ‘find himself' but about a year ago, he broke off all forms of communication with any of us.

To say I missed him was an understatement because he always knew how to cheer me up especially in times like this and I couldn’t help but wonder if he would come for the wedding that is if he even knew about it.

I decided to pack my hair in a high pony tail and applied mascara and eyeliner with my pink lip gloss.

I picked up and phone and purse and moved downstairs. I didn’t know what I was going to do today but I was gonna go with the flow.

What I met downstairs definitely wasn’t what I had in mind for a Saturday.

I saw my mum, Jason’s mum and another lady with a blonde hair and red lips whom I didn’t know.

Jason’s mum was the first to see me and her face lighted up immediately she did.

“Kayla darling! It’s so nice to see you.” She gushed as she wrapped me in a tight embrace.

“Hello Mrs Anderson.” I answered her with a small smile.

“Oh please you can call me Olivia, or Liv for short. Better still Mom since we’re gonna be one big family but that’s if your mum doesn’t mind.” She said looking at my mum for confirmation.

“Oh it’s fine.” My mum said smiling at me.

“Good morning mom, how are you?” I asked embracing her tightly as I hadn’t seen her in a while.

My mum had brown hair unlike me.  I got my dad’s hair color while Ella got my mum’s and Drayton just got both. His hair was brownish black.

“I’m very well honey.”

“So what’s going on?” I asked them both also looking at the unknown lady in our living room.

“This is Tammy Sanders and she’s the wedding planner we hired for your wedding.” Liv said.

“Hello Miss Andrews.” Tammy greeted with a broad smile.

“Hello Tammy, it’s just Kayla please.” I answered with a small smile.

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