Late Night Call

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To put it simply, Micah didn't take a long time to think about what I had said.  In fact, I don't think he thought about it at all. Honestly, I wasn't surprised. After all, I was sure Micah truly believed that I had given upon. Maybe in part, I had. I was exhausted from trying to understand how to have it all work out in the end. I wanted to help Alexander but everything I had done so far hadn't worked out. No one wanted to help me. Even Alexander seemed reluctant to do anything for himself.

Maybe I was doing this more for myself than Alexander. At this point, I couldn't really tell. I just knew that I didn't want Micah to get away with this. Before, I just wanted it to be over. My parents handled everything. This time, I didn't want to run.

The next day, I got a call at midnight. I had been able to doze off but once I felt my phone buzzing, I was wide awake. 

As the sound continued, my stomach dropped. Nobody else but Micah would call me this late at night. Mr. Keys kept conventional hours and I doubted Alexander was going to call me anytime soon. They were both keeping me in the dark. With my heart pounding against my chest, I answered my phone.

Micah didn't need to say anything to let me know that it was him. "I must say," he finally began. "I was a bit taken back by your call. I wasn't expecting it at all."

I sat up and felt my head spin. Micah was playing with me. It didn't really matter. There was a reason I called but it wasn't for the reason that he thought. 

"Then again," he continued. "Your will isn't as strong as I thought."

That one hurt. I was ready to end the call there and then but I didn't. I had to stay calm. 

"I guess you were right all along," I forced out. "So, what then? You thought about what I said? Can you just make this all stop?"

"It's too late for that Rin. His royal pain in the ass is still going to get punished. I mean, isn't that what you want?"

"You said earlier that I wasn't being convincing," I began.

"Rin, I'm still talking. Why are you interrupting?"

I clenched my jaw. My palm itched. If I could get my hands on him. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. Stay calm.

"Sorry," I forced out. "Please, continue."

"Are you sure you won't be interrupting anymore?"

"I'm sure."  It took every ounce of my being to hold back my anger. 

To think that we had once been friends. How could he have changed so much? How was I going to get him to confess the truth if I already wanted to beat him into a bloody pulp? Honestly, I didn't think I was a violent person but, when it came to dealing with Micah, it was a different story.

"Because I'm feeling generous," he said, "I feel like taking you up on your offer. So, yes Rin. We can meet."

Finally. All I had to do was -

"But before that," Micah continued. "I need you to do something for me. Do you remember what you said before?"

I swallowed thickly. "I - I don't remember," I stammered out. 

What was he plotting now? Leave it to him to make rules and conditions. In his place, I would have done the same. I just hated how I had to do what he said or this would never work.

"I want you to tell the Prince exactly what you told me. He needs to know that you no longer trust in him. That you were mistaken. That I am the better vampire and he was just a replacement until you got your head straight."

Every word was filled with hatred. As he spoke, pressure build behind me eyes. Of course he was going to ask for that. I couldn't refuse.

"You have spies at the police station," I said hoarsely.

"That's none of your business," he retorted. 

He had to have some listening software bug thingy. How else was he so well informed of everything? He probably had some in the classroom where Alexander and I had studied. 

"How else would you know?" I countered. "Micah. I'm not stupid, you know."

"You're still so disobedient Rin. I'm not sure anymore if I want to see you."

"That hurts my feelings a lot," I told him. 

If he decided to change his mind, we were doomed. 

"It seems to me like you've change too much, Rin."

I shrugged, knowing full well that he couldn't see me. "I'm not the same girl I was back then," I said. "You can't expect me to be the same. I know you're not the same either."

"You know nothing about me," he shot back.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. It had nothing to do with sentiment. "I know we used to be friends. We used to build sand castles in my backyard."

"Enough. I'm tired of talking to you."

Had I really messed it up this time? He had to want things to go back the way they used to. 

"Then, let's meet," I told him. 

I relayed the information of the place I had first met Pat and the others. The only reason why I was able to remember was because it had been suspicious and it stayed with me. 

"In three days," I continued. "I'll be there at 12 am. Alone. U-until then."

I didn't give him a chance to reply. Instead, I ended the call. He wasn't going to call me back. I hadn't given him a chance to say no. Micah couldn't say no. All I knew was that I had to see Alexander first and the thought of seeing him again hurt. 

While I did want to see him because I missed him, I hadn't gone to see him again because I was grounded. How was I supposed to convince my parents to see him in the next three or less days? It wouldn't help to sneak out. Well, maybe Camellia could help me. She and her shadow people could help me meet with Micah as well. After all, it was their plan too.

And yet, that didn't change what I had to do. What was I supposed to say? How could I say anything to Alexander? He would have to know that I was lying. He couldn't think that I was telling the truth. How would he react?

I fell back on my bed. I hated this. I didn't . . . I didn't want to hurt Alexander but in order to help him, I had to do this. I had to. Even as I thought this, I still wouldn't be able to sleep.

Calm down, I told myself. First things first. Get in contact with Camellia and tell her what happened. Then arrange a meeting with Alexander. Then . . . Then . . . meet Micah.

Yeah. One thing at a time.

The Vampire Prince goes to High School (Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora