12. Batman

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A layer of frost settled on the grass. The full moon shined on the creatures below and I made out streaks of clouds in the black sky. Shivering, I pulled my blazer close and sat on my motorcycle, a hidden face among an army of parked cars. I watched people enter the house but never leave. I tried my sister's phone again and it went to voicemail. A vein ticked in my jaw. I checked the time. 1:15. She was supposed to be outside and ready to leave twenty- five minutes ago. I would give her five more minute before I stormed inside and dragged her from her snotty friends. My head ached and my muscles were sore. I needed rest, craved it. Loud cheers went up from the house. Drapes were drawn over the bay window, but I caught glimpses of flashing light through the edges as if some idiot was playing with the switch.

My mood grew darker than the night itself. How low I had fallen to be blackmailed by Juliana of all people. I could laugh. Anything would be better than chauffeur driving that girl to her numerous events.

I thought of Naomi again. The soft ringlet curls of her hair, her soothing voice. I had missed her more than she would ever know. It had only been four days, but it was all relative. Four days to us was a lifetime to a fly. I smiled at the thought. We would get through this, whatever this was. We always supported each other, regardless of our differences.

I checked the time. The five minutes were up. I pocketed my keys and left the helmet on the seat. I walked up to the heavyset door and rang the doorbell. Laughter escaped through the cracks followed by blurred voices. The door opened. A white boy poked his head outside. 'Douche' was marked on his naked chest in red ink.

"Soccer chick, wazz up?" he slurred.

I pushed past him and entered a narrow, congested hall. Behind me, the kid was still talking, "Don't be so cold. We're all friends here."

I rolled my eyes. The corridor was so poorly lit, I could barely see my hand in front of my face, but I could feel bodies gyrating all around to the rhythm of the club music. The tempo raced and the attendees did their best to keep up. My ears felt like there were bleeding; the stereo was far louder than it should be. I felt a pair of dainty arms grab onto my waist and I was pulled onto someone. I noticed it was a girl with black hair and a short, short skirt. If she sat, everything would be exposed. If that was my sister, my dad would kill her, and the body would never be found. The girl started to grind against my leg, biting her lips as she got into it. Her hands groped my body, sliding under my shirt and slipping into my pants.

I pushed her off saying, "No, I'm not here for that." Whether she mistook me for a guy or not, she was far too eager for my liking. She returned, determined to get the action she desired. I pried her hands off my flesh and spun her around a couple of times. Whatever drink and pills she might have consumed caused her to stumble and fall. I left her on the hardwood, prey to the dancing feet that threatened to stomp the daylights out of her.

Regretting my cold attitude, I went back and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She leaned against me, her moist breath against my air. I carried her more than she moved her legs. It occurred to me that she might have forgotten how to use them. Once outside, I laid her down on the front porch, and she grabbed my arm. "Stay with me," she whispered.

"I don't know you, but you might want to call someone to take you home," I told her.

She lurched into a sitting position and held my arm against her breast. "Don't you have a car?"

"Do you know who I am?" I asked. Her eyes were glazed and darting from place to place in quick succession before settling on mine.

She smiled. "I know you. Stay with me."

"Well, I don't know you," I pried her hands off and pressed them together in her lap. "Stay safe," I muttered. She lay down and closed her eyes, either passed out or sleeping. Worried that someone might find her, I took off my blazer and covered her lower half. Then I reached into her pocket and got her phone. It was locked but I managed to wake her long enough to unlock it. I found her mom in her contacts and thinking that the mom was more lenient than the dad told her the situation. The mom was upset but said she was on her way. Thinking that I had done all I could for the girl, I went back inside to hunt my sister.

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