Chapter Fifteen

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Sadie didn't know if anything would happen to Ella's attire at midnight--they hadn't used magic, after all. However, knowing that Cinderella had to run away from the prince was a vital point in the story, Sadie had to set aside her pride and find Noah. She had spent most of the night in one of the bedrooms, sitting on the floor, angry and embarrassed with herself for acting the way that she did. Noah must think her pathetic, for assuming that he'd be jealous. At 11:45, Sadie knew she would have to meet up with him again.

Deciding it best to just forget the earlier events of the party, she searched the ballroom that was still packed and full of dancing and music, trying to find the boy. Her eyes finally located him, sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, sulking. Sighing, Sadie approached him slowly. When he noticed her, he jumped up, and scratched the back of his neck.

"Sadie, I wanted to-"

"Noah, I'm sorry for how I acted earlier." She interrupted him. He stopped and glanced around the room before his blue eyes settled back on her. She hated the effect he had on her by just one look. When did this start happening, her insides turning to mush every time Noah looked at her? He opened his mouth to speak again but she shook her head. "That wasn't fair of me, to get mad at you like that. I don't even know why I was angry," she laughed. Lie, lie. "Honestly, I think I'm just tired, and I took that out on you. Of course you weren't jealous, earlier. Of course, that was-" Sadie stopped, feeling some sort of word vomit coming up. "Anyway, I'm sorry." She finished. "Can we forget about it?"

Noah stared at her for a long moment, considering something, or making some sort of decision. Finally, he sighed. "Yeah, sure." He said, his shoulders drooping slightly.

Sadie felt terrible, knowing she must have made him feel bad by acting so angry before. Taking a deep breath, Sadie plastered on a smile. "So, we need to get Cinderella to leave the ball soon."

Instead of arguing, or questioning her, Noah simply nodded and remained silent. Glancing at him for one more moment, Sadie nodded and then started towards Cinderella.

The girl was still dancing with the prince. They seemed very happy together. Sadie was glad, because if she had her way the prince would have a black eye and Ella would be with someone that was not sexist. Sadie tapped the girl on her shoulder.

Ella turned around and smiled brightly. "Hello, dear friend!" She cried.

"Dear friend?" The prince grumbled, glaring at Sadie. Sadie glared right back.

"Ella, I'm sorry to do this, but we need to go." Sadie said, glancing at the large clock on the wall. 10 minutes to midnight.

Ella frowned. "What? Why? I am having a wonderful time, I could not possibly leave now." She said, smiling back at the prince. Sadie opened her mouth, but, not knowing what to say, she groaned and stalked back to Noah.

"She doesn't want to leave," She grumbled.

"We have to keep trying." Noah said. Sadie nodded.


"Police!! The police are here!!" Sadie screamed, running through the crowd. Noah ran the opposite way, yelling the same. The crowd looked around, confused.

"Run! Get out of here!" Noah cried.

"But we haven't done anything wrong!" Someone from the crowd yelled. Noah paused and took a breath.

"Are you sure?" He called, deflating.

"Um, yes." Someone near him muttered. Noah pursed his lips, placing his hands on his hips.

Sadie, EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now