Chapter 36

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👆🏻Willow and Sky ❤️

Clyde Pov:

Right now, I'm sitting in front of Ian Woods and I feel like a small kid who waiting to getting insult at any moment.

"So basically you tell me that Meghan just twisting the truth about you using Willow to get your inheritance?" asked Ian.

I nod, "Well, the truth is my grandpa did ask me to marry her but that's not an ultimatum for me, you know. But somehow Meghan just told Willow another thing, saying that I'm using her to get my inheritance and all that shit. You know who is Meghan's dad right? I need your help to have a revenged to her. I would do anything to get back at her...And I hope someday Willow will be understand and let me explain."

Ian just nodded his head, how I really want to snap his head but then he can't help me.

"Ok, I will let you know about Meghan's father business and I hope we could find something. I know that you won't go that low by using my sister to get into you inheritance but we talk about Willow here and she is fragile. However, I just want to say sorry to you for what happen yesterday." Ian said.

Now I just confused, why he feels sorry towards me? I'm not that pathetic, am I?

"Why you are sorry?" I asked him.

Ian now looking at me, "Well, didn't you know that your grandpa got hospitalized after he knows about this? Well, he insisted to come to our parents meeting and he got shocked with what happen and knowing in fact that the wedding could be called off."

Oh shit! What have I done?

Grandpa got heart attack again because of this and I need to deal with this at the same time? I believe that my mom is already calling me a thousand times to tell me about this but being as stubborn boy I am, I just ignored it.

"I need to go to hospital now." I said to Ian and stand up quickly to go to the hospital.

"You better go there and stop running away from your problem, Clyde."Ian said.

The next thing I know, I just leave my car in front of hospital lobby and running to reception. They told me where my grandpa's room is and I don't waste any time to get there.

"Mom! Dad!" I call both of my parents who sit on the waiting room.

My mom just running to me and hug me while my dad just walking towards me slowly. "Oh Clyde! Finally you came!" said my mom.

"Clyde...How do you know about this? Last time I checked you just keep your phone's died." Said my dad and I feel like I've been disappointed him again.

"I'm sorry. I just...I'm too caught up with my problem with Willow. I try to find a way out so Willow won't call of the wedding but this is happen and I fucking disappointed with my own self." I said to him.

My father nods his head and gives my back a smack while my mother can't help to crying.

"I'm sorry to cause this mess. I never meant any of this to be happened." I said once again and my mom shook her head, no.

"Shh, it's okay. You should see your grandpa. He wanted to see you." my mom said and my dad only nodded his head.

My dad keep rubbing my mom's back to make her calm, giving her some comforts that he knows that she need it.

I knock the room door and after for a while I could hear my grandpa voice. He sounds so weak and I feel like a bastard for being the cause of his weakness.

"Clyde..."my grandpa calls.

He sounds happy but weak. I just came to his side and I just broke down.

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