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Dharani's POV:

We were returning from the celebrations along with a few soldiers. Dev was also with us. He said he wanted to see how the training goes. He was talking something to Arjun but I wasn't paying any attention. I still could not believe what happened at the party. Father has announced that our wedding is going to take place in two days. After which we would be living in a temporary wooden house in the new kingdom. It isn't like I am not prepared or something but it is more like I am not expecting it so soon. Suddenly I felt a horse moving close to me. It was Arjun.

"If worrying would help, I would join," he said with a serious look. 

"I am not worried, I am just still not prepared, " I replied.

"You are not worried?" he asked surprised, "You are getting married to the person whom you hate the most and you are not worried?"

Yeah, why am I not worried? I should be worried, especially given the responsibilities after marriage.

"There is no point in worrying," I said confidently. To be honest I myself have no idea why I am not worried and I just made this up on spot.

"Happy Birthday" he interrupted, " May God bless you with long life," he smiled.

He could smile. I mean I did see him smiling but it was always evil, sheepish smile. This was a genuine one. 

"Thank you, " I smiled back, "How is your hand?"

"Well, as of now it doesn't hurt, but tomorrow it will, during the training and during our meeting with dogs."

I paused. God, he still remembers it.

"You will come right?" he asked. I nodded.

"I will be with you, " he said, "we will take things one step at a time. We will meet just one dog tomorrow and nothing to worry. I will ensure you are safe."

"You wanted your enemy to give up her fear, makes sense. You want to personally be there to help her give up her fear. That doesn't make sense," I said looking at him suspiciously.

"The more time you spend with an enemy. The more you get to know her. The easier it would defeat her," he replied confidently.

I nodded and we continued our journey. Does he really mean what he said? Am I really just an enemy for him? What am I thinking? He explicitly says every day that I am his enemy, yet I am doubting it? How stupid of me!

The next day (Dharani's POV)

Arjun knocked on the door at 3:00 am sharp. He was in a white dress and looked as if he just came back from prayer. I prayed as well, in fact, I do it every day but am surprised that he would pray as well. Honestly, I think he looked better after the prayer. He was more peaceful. He took me to the ground again but this time there was only one dog. A big calm dog eating something. It has big teeth and looked similar to the dogs that attacked my aunt.

"That's one of our training dogs, Jumbo," Arjun whispered as we walked towards it, "The calmest of them all."

"It has big teeth," I said staring at the dog.

"They are required," he said with a slight smile, "To attack the enemies."

I paused an stood firm on my feet. Arjun noticed that I wasn't going with him. He took a few steps back and stared at me.

"What?" he asked slightly annoyed.

"What What?" I replied equally annoyed, "You tell me 1000 times a day that I am your enemy and now you say this dog would attack enemies."

"You are not my enemy," he said signaling me to go with him. "For time being," he added after a while.

"What if time changes when we go near it?" I asked.

"It won't," he assured. I shook my head. 

"Fine. Friends?" he asked putting his hand forward, "Just for the few minutes we go near Jumbo." he added.

I put my hand forward and we shook hands. We are now friends. Wow, somebody should write this in a history textbook.

He took me towards Jumbo. Jumbo was still eating and paid no attention to us.

"Jumbo, " he called and the dog at once pounced onto him while I hid behind his back. He played with the dog with his left hand while he held me tight with his right hand assuring me that everything would be alright. I held his hand tighter and placed my other hand on the back of his shoulder. That was the very hand he cut himself. I suddenly realized what he meant when he said his hand would hurt doing the meeting. I felt guilty for holding it tight and reluctantly let it loose, but he held me again, silently telling me that it is okay. Jumbo calmed down after a while and Arjun ordered his soldier to take it back.

"It's gone," he said and I came out. I was still holding his hand. Apparently, this is the calmest dog, seriously?

"See you are this close and it didn't attack you," he said in a low voice. That's how mom talked to Dev when he was a year old. I felt like a kid but I felt good.

"It's because you were there between us." 

"Enemies will never leave you," he smiled, "Especially when the war is never-ending."

"Thank you for being my enemy, " I replied sarcastically and we walked back to our tents. He gifted me a rose plant and told me that it would remind me of my bravery. I smiled and whispered a thank you. I love rose plants, but how did he know this. God, this guy has two personalities. On one hand, he is loving, caring and full of affection and calls me his friend. On the other hand, he says I am his enemy and is a ruthless person who wouldn't think twice before killing a criminal no matter how small the crime is. However, there is one thing that surprises me always. Whether he considered me as an enemy or as a friend, he always respected me and always accepted his mistakes in front of me. Now that's something really cool.

(Hey guys, Thank you so much for making it till here. Please do vote and comment. Also, the next chapter will be published on 7 November 2018. So stay tuned. Thank you. Love you all.)

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