The Great old House

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          Creeeekkkkk! I stepped on a stair. My heart was pounding and my face, dripping with sweat. I was in The Great Old house. All my life I have seen rebellious teens go in and come out of the house different. Every year all the freshmen are forced to go in one by one on the night of Halloween eve. It was my turn now. BOOM!DING! DONG! DING! All the dusty clocks turned to 3. The door shut closed tight. "Very funny guys!" I yelled to the other side of the door. I kept walking in deeper. I cloud barely hear all the creaks from the aged wood and rusty nails because of my pounding heart. I entered a dim room and saw them. The Trillers. People who enter the house hardly say anything about them after they come out. They only call them the Trillers because people had to create a new name to describe what the others saw. No one has ever seen anything like it before. Nobody has ever come out the same and now I know why. As I look in the room I see all the kids who have ever entered. They all lay on the floor dead. Pale and white with red lips. I feel a tear slowly fall down my face as I look at the horrid sight. Then I felt nothing. I saw a new body begin to fade into life.. or death (i guess) on the floor) It was me. Pale, bloody lips, lifeless eyes, and still. I  came out of the haunted house and smiled an empty smile then laughed an empty laugh with my friends and I watched the next person enter The Great Old House.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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