prelog: Past

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It was another cold day. It was raining lighty and you were sitting out on your balcony from your home. Your mom was out.. As always and you were lonely and bored. You were about nine years old, and your life wasn't all that grate though it could've been worse. Your main problem was your mother being to busy to take care of you, you were convinced that she hated you and always tries to avoid you. You had a babysitter but she was a high school student so you were often left alone while she sneaks out for school and what not.

You barely knew how to take care of yourself, but you tried. You didn't really have any friends and anyone who hung out with you forgot you were there half the time, You would just fallow them around.. But today, Today was different.

You didn't care about your mom, Babysitter or fake friends because you're bestfriend from when you you were younger was going to come see you. His name was Kokichi, Kokichi oma. You guys haven't seen each other in a few years after you moved away.. A somewhat classic tail of two friends who were separated and now were reunited! You guys first saw etchother about a week ago but all you could do was talk since your babysitter was actually doing her job since your mom was going to dubble her pay. Kokichi was someone who you always found comfort in, he didn't really have a good home either and he was always sticking up for you. Your mom's worked at the same place and used to date when they were in high school. So after it was only natural that they would have there kids be friends you guessed.

You remember how you and Kokichi first met, It was bring your kid to work day. You were really shy as a child, and some other kids teased you because of it.. But Kokichi then stepped in and made them stop.
"" Heya! I'm Kokichi! You know since I swaved you, You have to be my frwind, okie?""  Those were his first words to you, after that your mom found out and you guys spent a lot of time together. But a few years ago you guys got separated because you're mother just had to try and get married again. And though you were still annoyed with her, it didn't matter now you were finally going to see him again!

After a few minutes of waiting you heard a voice in the bushies;
"Psst! PsssSStT! Y/nnn!"
You glanced down to see a purple haired boy, your face lit up.

"Kokichi! Hi!" You stood up and waved at the boy, he came out of the Bush, he had on a little rain coat. He gestured for you to come down and you did. You got an umbrella from downstairs and went out the back door, you but a small rock in between the door so it wouldn't close all the way.

You ran out to the side of the house and saw kokichi, wasting no time lounging into the boys arms, hugging him. Sure he was a little wet but you didn't care. Kokichi hugged you back lightly snuggling you in the process. You pulled away and held the umbrella over you and him, you both were pretty small so it was more then enough room. He smiled brightly at you

"Y/n! I've missed you so so so much!" He beamed, slightly bouncing.

"I've missed you to kokichi! I'm so happy to see you..!" You had the biggest smile you've ever had, you were so happy to see the person you care about most. After a little bit of chatting, you two decided to go and walk around. Your mother almost never takes you anywhere so this was your first adventure.

You guys roamed around The streets, looking at all the amazing things your city had to offer. You even got to do a few pranks on people since apparently that's what kokichi likes to do now. It was so much fun running around and playing, it was the most fun you've had since forever! After a few hours you and kokichi were in a vary old and classically looking place, it was pretty much abounded; having empty, run down houses houses, stores, ect.
Kokichi took you to a old house that still had some furniture in it. You two sat down on the patio, and stared at the rain.

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