Chapter 7

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You walked downstairs to make breakfast for your precious Y/N
Taehyung: Don't worry Y/N, I'll make your favorite! PANCAKES!
You quickly made the batter and cooked them on the stove
You walked down the stairs in your cute outfit, blue shorts and white tank top that Taehyung provided you
You had a cute ponytail with a small white bow on it that made you look like an innocent little girl
Then Taehyung noticed you
Taehyung: Awww my baby looks so cute today!
You blushed at his words
Y/N: D-don't call me that!
Taehyung: why not baby?
He walked closer to you intimidatingly
You tried to walk away from him.
A/N: Let me repeat" TRIED"
But he caught your waist in time and smirked
Taehyung leaned and whispered to your ear
Taehyung: what happened? Cat got your tongue?
Y/N: stop it..... Let go
Surprisingly he listened to you and let go
Taehyung : Breakfast is ready, don't want you starving kitty
You sighed and walked to the table in defeat
You look over to the table and widened your eyes
Taehyung; yep, just for you kitty
You started jumping up and down like a cute little bunny
Taehyung chuckled at your cuteness
But then you realize...
' oh shit' you thought😂
You calm down and say bluntly
Y/N: uhm.... Yeah whatever, I guess I'll eat it....
Taehyung: ok Kitty, whatever you say
You quickly sit down at the table making sure that Taehyung doesn't notice how excited you are
You eat the pancakes like a pig but then you look over and see Taehyung staring at you in awe
You gulped down your food and said
Y/N: why are you s-staring at me?
Taehyung: Why not?
You took your plate of pancakes and sat under the table away from Taehyung's stare
You heard Taehyung sigh
Taehyung: If you keep on ignoring me I'll give you punishments......
He said angrily
You didn't listen
So he got mad and flipped the table exposing your small figure
You flinched and let out a gasp
He looked down at you
Taehyung went down and picked you up leaving your precious pancakes on the floor
Y/N: hey! Let me go!
He ignored what you said
' looks like I got a taste of my own Medicine'
You thought
You stayed still while he carried you and his grip loosened around your waist
You took this opportunity to slip away from him making a run
You run and run until you reach a mysterious room
You go inside and got shocked at what you saw
you screamed but covered your mouth quickly
You heard someone banging the door
You decide to grab a random gun and point it at the door with shaking hands
Next thing you know the door is busted down with an angry Taehyung
You were scared for your life
Y/N: s-stop it! Or I'll shoot!
Taehyung just smirked and chuckled
Taehyung: Go ahead kitty do what you want
Y/N: I'm warning you Taehyung!
He didn't care and walked closer to you eating away the distance toward you and him with every step he takes
You slowly back away trying to resist it
But he walked closer and closer
Y/N: This is your last chance!
He didn't even take it seriously
Out of fear you pulled the trigger but
It wasn't even freaking loaded
You pulled the trigger more and more wishing for a magical bullet to speed out
But nothing
You dropped the gun earning a clinging sound from it
Taehyung smirked
Taehyung: Wow you were actually going to shoot, I guess you lost babygirl
Y/N: n-no
He swiftly trapped you between his arms
You started to tear up being scared for your life since you threatened him with a gun and you disobeyed him earlier
Taehyung: Now your getting it kitty*smirk*

I'm just saying that the next chapter will be smut.
So be prepared...
Things you will need:
1) Holy water
2) Your soul
3) Jesus
4) A tissue to wipe your sweat and tears

~ Anshi❤️

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