Chapter 4

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Hade's POV

I hear a groan beside me meaning Angel has woken up. Angel is like my son I've looked after him ever since he started showing up at school with bruises and cuts on his body. I sort of understand what he's going through my mother would sometimes punch me and cause bruises to appear on my skin. She physically, verbally and emotionally hurt me I would go to school every day with a sore body but never told anyone about it and no one really cared so they never asked questions. I chuckled relieved that he still was able to have an annoyed groan even if he was injured. Before I knew it, Dawson was hugging Angel. Angel blushed deeply to the touch of Dawson, oh I wish I could be held by my mate like that too bad I haven't found them yet. I need to go report this to the principal before I get into any trouble for not telling her.

I make my way to the principal's office passing students and teachers some saying hello. When I arrive, I knock on the large wooden door with flowers and vines carved nicely into it. I hear a come in and open the door to smell peppermint and lemon.


I open the door with a loud bang causing a fright from Miss Lori the principal. I see the most handsome guy in the world. He had a rough sculptor, he had jet black hair unlike mine which was a dirty blonde hair. His eyes were an emerald green colour. He had a strong jaw line and looked around 6'4 tall. The shirt he was wearing showed off his abs and not bad muscles. I heard a small girly cough making me snap out of my trance.

"Mr Hale, this is Reece Larp he is going to be the new Maths teacher. I would show him around but I'm busy with some business involving the neighbouring school. So, do you mind showing him the way around the school?" I nodded to Miss Lori. Miss Lori was the one to save me from the hell hole I lived in. She offered me food, clothes, shelter and much more so I am grateful that she found me. I went to shake hands with Reece. We reach out our hands and tingles erupted through my hand and arm causing me to nearly purr. Everything was happening exactly as how Dawson described it would.

"Also, Miss Lori Angel was attacked by a rogue. Sophie, Ashley and Ryley were injured along with Angel. Mr Lane attacked the rogue before he could hurt any further students." I explain feeling all eyes on me making me feel uncomfortable. Sally (Miss Lori) nods her head.

"I'll ask what happened later go and show Mr Larp around the school okay also once you're done take the rogue's body away and burn it." I nod and leave the office.

"Sorry a lot of things have happened and on your first day too do not worry too much okay?" I tell Reece hoping he can relax a little more since he looks tense. He must have been thinking because he jumped a little when I told him.


After showing Reece around the school I take him to the staff room and offer him coffee. He takes it happily. I go to the infirmary to check if Angel and Dawson are okay. I open the door to see Dawson asleep beside Angel.


I find a blanket in the cupboard and place it gently on top of them. I turn around seeing Reece leaning against the door. His emerald eyes staring at me like searching for something.

"You, you do know I'm your mate, right?" Reece asks making me jump a little in shock.

'Man, I knew you were my mate before I even entered the door to the office.'

"Yeah I know I thought you didn't though." I look him straight in the eyes standing my ground not scared that he's got an Alpha like aura around him. "That's Angel and Dawson" I say trying to change the subject.

"I know I read on the board on the desk" Reece says bluntly he points other a board on a desk. I look other to the desk to see their names written down. He's observes well.

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