serpent girl

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there once was a girl

with a serpent inside her

every time she felt happy

the foul creature would bite her

years passed and the girl

became lonely and scared

when she just wanted love

the serpent's teeth were bared

people wondered what she

was becoming, they said

she's got problems, that girl

she's gone mad in the head

and she knew they weren't wrong

it was only the truth

she moved closer to death

she was dragged from her youth

her friends, they gave up

they didn't know what to do

they'd never understand her

or what she had been through

so she left them and thought

that she'd done the right thing

that she'd broken it clean

that she'd taken the sting

for herself, but little

did this poor girl know

what she did when she left

what a big domino

effect she had created

in the wake of her departure

all the hurt she had caused

all the loved ones she'd tortured

they hated themselves

more than she had in life

but they couldn't bring her back

so they rotted in strife

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