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"My heart was beating, barely breathing, but still alive."

  ♫ I Found Myself - Anna Clendening ♫ 


When Penelope saw the blank expression on Alexander's face, she frowned because she knew their last goodbye was coming. She did not want it to end like that. Their friendship was something she dearly cherished.


"No, please let me," she cleared her throat, watching as Alexander started to shake his head. "I know I do not deserve it, but I want you to hear me out. Will you, Alexander?" 

He stayed silent, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms on his chest. Penelope took that as a sign to continue.

"This is very hard for me," she said while trying to steady her trembling hands. "First, I want to apologize for the things I did. I had no right to meddle in your relationship, Alexander."

Alexander watched her let out a sigh before she continued. "I have no explanation for my actions other than the fact that I was jealous. I was so jealous of the connection you seemed to share with Annabelle that I actually wanted to be her. I wanted to be her so badly. I even despised the day she came into the picture. You see, for the longest of times I thought you were the one I would end up with. But no matter how much I loved you, all you did was see me as nothing more than the sister you didn't have." 

"You are right. I did see you as a sister," said the prince. Penelope lowered her gaze to the floor, trying to avoid his eyes as a tear slipped down her cheek. "But, you are wrong about something."

"And, what is that?"

Alexander took a deep breath and urged her to look at him. "You were never in love with me."

"H-How could you say that?" Penelope's voice cracked as she looked at him with tears in her eyes. 

"Because I've known you my whole life, Penelope," he said and put a hand on her shoulder in comfort. "I know that you adjust the way you sit when your corset is too tight. I know that you put powder on your face because you are insecure of your skin even though you do not need to be."

Penelope let out a sad chuckle, noticing the way his voice softened as he continued, "I know that you always make sure to wear gowns in the color of green because that was your mother's favorite color. And I know that you miss her, Penelope."

At the mention of her mother, Penelope could not fight the sob that came out of her lips. "I-I,"

"Don't you think I noticed how you started pushing everybody away when she passed?" asked the prince, feeling his own sadness overcoming his emotions. Penelope struggled to swallow the lump in her throat as she quietly said, "She was my best friend."

"I know she was," he said before he pulled her in into a tight embrace. "And, that is why you were jealous of me and Annabelle. The only person you ever had a connection with was already gone."

When he said the last sentence, Penelope completely broke down in his arms. She clutched at his shirt as she cried, and all he could do in that moment was just hold her tighter. 

"It's alright, Penelope," he whispered, putting a kiss on top of her head. She tried to stop, but the tears kept coming. It was as if all the walls she built around her over the years had crumbled down in a second. Her throat was tight and her voice hoarse, as she spoke, "I don't think it will ever be."

Alexander pulled back and gently looked at her. "Can you trust me when I say the right person will come around when you least expect it?"

"I don't--"

"You will meet him one day," He cut her off, giving her another hug. "He will banish all the loneliness that you feel inside. And, he's going to be the best thing to ever happen to you."

"Why are you so kind to me, Alexander? I do not deserve it."

He slowly backed away and gave her one last smile. "Because you were and will always be like a sister to me." 


Penelope watched as Alexander's figure disappeared into the dimly lit corridor. She leaned against the wall and put a hand on her forehead. Wiping the remainder of her tears, she sighed. The conversation she just had with the prince had taken a toll on her emotionally. There was no way that anybody could ever love her after what she had done to her friend.  

She crossed her arms around herself when she felt a cool breeze coming from one of the windows. Just as she was about to go close it, she saw the shadow of a person at the end of the corridor. She nervously gulped. "Who is there?" 

The person came out into the light and Penelope let out a sigh of relief when she saw the jet black haired servant. 

"I did not mean to frighten you, Your Grace," said Marcus, taking a few steps towards her. He stood a full head taller than her, so she had to crank up her neck to look at him. 

Putting a hand on her hip, she smiled ruefully.  "And, what? You meant to eavesdrop on me?"

Marcus surprised her when he frowned. She turned her back to him. "I do not need your pity, Mr. Marcus."

"I don't pity you, Your Grace." 

She furrowed her eyebrows and turned back around, only to see him standing a mere few inches away. Her breath hitched in her throat. "I think you are very strong, actually." 

Penelope felt her mouth open slightly. She stared at his face, long eyelashes coating his dark eyes as he looked down at her. 

And, in that moment, she could not help but rethink Alexander's last words to her. 

I dedicate this chapter to @IAmVeryLoud001 because words can't explain how much your dedication meant to me. I absolutely love your book and the way you write! Everybody go check out her book called Julius Caesar and be amazed :)


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