Coming up with a title

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By now you're probably very excited to get started on your actual writing. You've already done a lot of research, and what you have this far, is kind of like a blueprint. In this step we're going to name that blueprint.

An important thing to keep in mind while choosing a title for your book or story is that it has to grab the attention of potential readers. It doesn't matter if your story ends up in a bookstore or on the Internet. It's always one out of many, and the title should be raising questions that the potential reader would like to have answers to. The title will decide a big part of how popular your story or book will be.

Things to keep in mind while choosing a title:

1. It's best to choose a title that doesn't already belong to another popular book.

2. Don't give away the plot in your title, just give subtle hints.

3. People like rhythms and rhymes in your title.

You'll probably have the best result if you come up with several titles and let someone else decide which one he would read if it were a book.

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