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"Back, already?" The bell-hop from before asked as I walked inside the lift.

I wiped my face, "Yeah. Didn't go so well."

The intimidating man shrugged his shoulders as the door to the elevator finally opened infront of me. I stepped out and began walking back into the dense city, searching the streets for a cab to take to the hotel.

Well, atleast now I can check into the room early.

That same dreaded gut-feeling that I've had all week was stronger than ever before, now. I shot a disappointed look back up at the building before noticing a yellow car coming to a screeching halt. I slid my sunglasses back on and sat in the cab.

"Jus to 16th street, please." I sighed.

"No problem at all." The cab driver began to whiz down the road. The outside world was just a mirage of buildings and occasional man-made greenery.

This has been quite the waste of time, honestly. I don't know what was going through my head when I left this morning. First class plane to New York City, and for what? To be shouted at by John Lennon, ...just like the good ol' days! Now, I'm off to go home and be yelled at by my wife, as well. I threw my face into my trembling hands as worried thoughts began to flood my head.

Did I come here for no reason? To waste time away? Is that it?

Something within me told me to turn back around. Turn back around and make things better. Don't let these issues go on another day. Quit being so pretentious and talk to the boy and fix everything that went wrong. You two ain't kids, anymore.


"Yeah?" The driver asked.

"Would ye mind turnin' back around to those apartments, again?"

The car came to an abrupt stop and the man at the wheel turned around to face me,


I nodded quickly. "I'll pay double."

We turned around and made our way back to the apartment building once again. Though, the driver was much more than annoyed at me. Let's all hope that his anger is not in vain.

I gave the driver a thick wad of cash and trudged my way up those same stairs I walked down not too long ago. My hands were shakey, as well as my legs, but I knew that I just had to brace through it all. Either that, or this trip was nothing but a stupid mistake.

No, I just couldn't accept that.

There's a reason I'm here, I just don't know it yet. All I know is that I've got to make things right with us. We can be cool. Let's be cool, John.

"That was fast." The man at the front desk said in a snide tone as I entered the building once more.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Guess I can't take 'no' for an answer."

"I'll send you back up, no problem. Big fan, you know?" The man said, buzzing for the elevator with a wink.

"Thank ye. Huge pleasure in meetin' ye!" I smiled.

"Mind if I get an autograph? Not everyday that you meet a former Beatle, after all." He said, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen.

Hearing him mention the Beatles felt like rubber on an open wound, "S- Sure!"

I took the pen into my hand and quickly scribbled my name in cursive on to the sheet, "Thank you so much, Mr. McCartney! You'll never know just how much this means to-"

I'm Looking Through You // MclennonWhere stories live. Discover now