Phase 2, part 2

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"Why did you have to do it like this?" I scold Austin, holding unconscious Zoya in his arms

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"Why did you have to do it like this?" I scold Austin, holding unconscious Zoya in his arms.

Austin shrugs. "It's better for them when I do it as a surprise. When I try to tell them about the surgery, narcosis and such things, they usually start to freak out. Advanced medicine is unknown for them and it's hard to explain that we'll start cutting them for their own good."

"But what about her consent? You can get us arrested!"

"I think she wouldn't complain if I did something about this," Austin points at her atrophied leg and laughs. "Holy shit, dude, what made you buy her? And why? You're terrible at Neoclash bets and now, you're getting your own Champion? You have to be shitting me."

"Don't ask, but I need money, as much as possible. And this tiny something is my last hope. Do you have something nice for her to make up for that fragile physique?"

"Of course. It's not a top-notch AVIA proth, but it will serve just fine."

Austin Halliday is my long-time friend. He helped me with my projects which guaranteed me an internship in DIANA. He's my friend, but also a mentor and a guide. However, that doesn't mean I can't work with him as equal. I have specialization in different fields, so when we cooperate, outstanding things happen.

Recently, I helped him with a problem he has been stuck on forever (it involved a conflict between several cheaper prosthesis types and certain Augments which caused a discord in the Castaway's body). Out of joy, Austin promised me he'll do me any favor I ask for.

I saved this offer for later. And the later came now.

Together with Austin, we change Zoya from her inherited clothes to a blue hospital gown. It is shorter than usual, fully exposing her dysfunctional legs.

Austin opens the door which lead to a small operating theatre. He carries Zoya like a doll and lays her on the bed in the middle of the room. She looks so peaceful. Vulnerable.

"AVIA, prepare the patient for a surgery," Austin chants. The whole room comes alive. The medical systems standing next to the bed automatically seek Zoya's vein and connect her to an IV. Several holographic screens start to float around the bed, bringing news about her heart rate and blood pressure.

"Let's take a look at it," Austin mutters and grabs a hand scanner. He uses the blue laserlight to scan Zoya's atrophied leg. One of the holographic screens turns into a 3D model of the leg, allowing us to take a look on what's inside. The doctor zooms in and carefully examines especially her knee joint and the area right above it. I can see several small tumor-like deformities which prevent her knee from working well.

"If she lived, like, five more years with this, it would probably necrotize and fall off by itself," Austin states. "We'll do her a huge favor if we cut it off."

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