Part 1

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"Something." Abalon whispers with a giggle attached to it and I still can't get the way he was just looking at me out of my head.

"What was that look about just now? And you haven't answered my question. What do we do now?" I ask.

Abalon glances away and then he looks back up at me. "Now we become each other's sanctuary." He holds me in his stare. "We take this second chance we're given and we make the best of it. I've tasted what a life without you in it could be and I honestly don't ever want to imagine living every day for the rest of my life feeling that kind of pain."

"I get what you're saying, Abalon. I want this second chance with you. I want to be the mate you deserve. I want to be the man my son can look up to. I want to experience you like I've never before. I want to explore us." I say and hold him to me tighter.

"Then all we have to do now is move forward. Me and you and Avery." Abalon smiles softly at me and I smile back.

"Yea, I like the sound of that." I murmur as Abalon gets Avery from his crib and returns to my embrace.

Avery coos while we play with his little fingers and toes, giggling every now and then when I growl at him playfully and he tries to growl back at me. Gosh, he's so adorable.

"We have to go to the meeting in an hour." Abalon breaks our silence.

"The Enforcers will be there and um, so will your parents."

"I know." My arms tighten a tad bit around my little family.

We sit there together just being with each other in quiet bliss. I enjoy the silence being interrupted by Avery's cooing, the feel of Abalon's body resting against mine. His scent in my nose. His soft heart beat in my ears. His warmth filling me up in ways I never thought I'd ever feel.

"Let me feed Avery while you get ready for the meeting." I break out peaceful quiet with my words and Abalon passes Avery to me and then makes him his bottle.

I feed Avery while Abalon showers and burp the little guy before putting him down to play with a toy in his crib.

My blood boils when Abalon comes out in nothing but a pair of ass hugging jeans that literally makes my mouth water when he turns and digs through his closet for a shirt.

I force my fur side to not rumble how much we approve of the sight Abalon makes.

"Do you need to change, Javier?" I barely hear him, that's how zoned in to his ass I am. I make some sort of grunt in the negative as my eyes travel from his tight backside up his lightly muscled back until he covers it with a pale blue shirt blocking my view from his soft looking skin.

"Ready?" Abalon turns to me after he pushes in feet into his converse sneakers and I just nod dumbly.

When we get to Alpha Tyke's office door I hand Avery over to Abalon who makes a quick walk toward Nursery where the pack kids are looked after should parents need a few hours to themselves. Abalon returns to my side and together we enter the office.

Just like in my dream The three Enforcers, Abalon's parents and Alpha Tyke and Ivan are waiting for us.

The one who introduced himself as Enforcer Bryan speaks. "Abalon Penn I have already taken the liberty to fill your parents in on why we are gathered here today since you are not properly mated you still are under the legal guardianship of them."

Abalon nod his head in affirmation of the information.

"Have you come to any decision as yet as to what you have decided in regards to your mating?" he asks me and Abalon nods again.

"I want Javier Morales to accept me as his mate as I accept him." I look at him and then he leans up and presses his lips to mine. Nothing and I mean nothing could have prepared me for this moment.

This moment that my mate says he loves me.



I felt it was important for Abalon to say 'I love you' through a kiss. 

Now *smooches* cause i love you guys.

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