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Swept by the tides away from shore

Swept to a place unrest and storm

As I look around I see others 

Others with smiles colder than the sea
Others with words harsher than the waves
Others that tore my identity away

I find myself looking for a rope to hold on to

I look for my country
I'm cast for being the minority
I look outside it
And I am a foreigner
One that needs their religion to be torn

I search for a way to float helplessly
For hands to pull me above

Yet instead

Tides held me down
I look for family
To see a time I have no family
Nor siblings there with me 

I look for help from people
They laugh and tell me to ask the one I worship
As I am pushed further in

I ask ones from my country
They say I deserve it as I wasn't a believer of theirs 

They tell me to join the ones I believe in

I look at the ones that share many things with me
But the bridge formed by politics seem to cage me away

A child of man

Hated by many

Searching for people
Ones that will care for me
And in doing so I conceal
I become one without identity

I conceal every fact about me

I am hidden behind screens

Silent about the details

Afraid of facing the world

As I have a marker I can never hide outside

I allow the waves to ring

December 15th, 2018

Between TidesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum