Chapter 12

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A/N: NOO I LOST ALL OF MY WORK! Ugh, I had to redo it... Hope I was really happy with it too. Also! I am sooooo sorry for the late update! Hope you guys don't hate me. :(

Discalimer: I don't own anything. This is FANfiction.

@Fandom-Lover : I tried to incorporate them, but it was really forced.  Did you see the first chapter I put up for a day or two before I deleted it? I wasn't very pleased with it, so I took it down and rewrote it. I'm sorry! They will come back for the last couple chapters though. Or at least you'll see mentions of them.

@ Fandom-Lover @Greekfreakkth : Haha, love your reference :) . Dam Alacatraz, haha. Mind if I use it in the next chapter? And thank you so much for the support! I see your votes and comments pretty frequently, and it always makes me so happy.

@ GageDuraski @eggsontoast @PercyJackson_Luver @FireTruckinBookLover @LivvyLondon123 @Georgiaherion @Madnerd_with_a_box : Thank you guys for the support! It really touched me that you guys commented.  

@PercyJackson_Luver @FireTruckinBookLover @Fandom-Lover @Greekfreakkth : Your comments made me smile the most and really helped me finish the chapter. Thanks so much!

@_Stop_and_Stare_ Sorry about the confusion!

And, without further ado, Chapter 12!

Chapter 12

Jason's POV:

The wind tore at our clothing, and drops of water sprayed on us slightly as we rode towards Alcatraz. My grip tightened on the bar as I glared darkly at the island that was getting close. The gales of wind from going such high speeds died down as Arion slowed to slight trot.

Looking behind me, I smirked at the reactions. Stark was slightly green and tried to shake it off while still acting cool as he got out of the chariot on shaky legs. Cappy was doing better, but was still shaken as he looked on with wide eyes and a pale face. Bruce looked seconds from "Hulking Out" and was still sitting there. Thor seemed used to it as he got out and inspected the  area. Clint and Natasha looked sick, but managed to keep a cool demeanor.

"Call it, Cap." Stark said as the briefcase he was carrying took itself apart and started to put itself together around him.

Capsicle glanced around and then said, "I say Jason, Thor, and Tony rush the front entrance. Try to find Percy and Nico, and you'll act as a distraction at the same time."

I nodded and continued, "Bruce, you'll stay back as the medic. Ready any supplies you think necessary. It hasn't been long since they were captured, but you never know. Barton, Widow, and Steve. I think you guys should try to sneak in through the side and work your way towards the center. That's where they'll most likely be."

"How do you know?" Barton asked as he opened his bow with a snap.

"Monsters are cliche. They'll automatically hold them in the center. Kampe will be there too, most likely. If she is, Thor, Tony, and I will keep her busy. Steve, Widow, and Hawkeye should get Percy and Neeks out. That okay, Cap?" I replied.

"Sounds good." He said, and he pulled his mask down over his face. (A/N: He's wearing the costume from Winter Soldier (the first one he wears).) 

With a quick nod, we all set off in our own directions. 

I tried to open the door only to find it locked. Tony went forward and blasted the knob off with his repulsors. I flashed a quick smile at him before diving in. We ran forward, down the hall and turned finding ourselves in a hallway with cells on either side. Skeletons of humans lay there with flesh eaten clean off.

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