Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Because I wanted to use some of my own clothes for a change, I asked one of the boys to drive me home. Louis and Harry were more than happy to go with me, leaving Zayn and Liam back at home to help Niall get ready I guessed. The car ride was about thirty minutes, giving the boys plenty of time to question me.

"So you ready for you little date?" Harry said from the front seat, smirking.

"What? Did you two wanna help me get ready?" I asked, sticking my tongue out at him.

"We can do your makeup!"

"You can borrow one of my purses!" Louis squealed from the front seat, making me burst out in laughter.

"You boys are too much." I said, once I could finally breathe.

"We'll leave all the girly things to you and your friends." Harry said. "You nervous about your first date?"

I squirmed a bit in my seat, felling my cheeks getting hotter already. "Ehh, I guess. I mean, it is Niall Horan.'

"Don't be nervous. Niall's in love with you." Louis cooed, winking at me through the rearview mirror.

"Shuddup..." I mumbled making the boys roar with laughter. Once we pulled up to my aunt's house I thanked the boys and they said they'd be back to pick me up later. I practically ran inside, muttered quick hello's to Ethan and my aunt then ran straight to my room. I grabbed the home phone on the nearest stand in my room and immediately called Daniella and Hazel.

"Girls, I have a date!" I screamed into the phone, jumping up and down a bit. The girls started screaming with me, already wondering what they were going to do with my hair.

"We'll be there in two love!" Hazel said, just as excited as me.

"All right, now hurry up!" I hung up on the girls and looked in my closet. I stared at it sighing. Was it casual? Kinda fancy? Ugh a dress or a blouse and a skirt? My skinnies? I groaned, pushing past all my clothes and going through my drawers. "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR."

"Ugh, what were you girls screaming about?" Ethan said walking in my room. He walked over to my closet, seeing all the clothes I practically threw out of my closet, scattered all over my room. "You have nothing to wear? What about this, Adelaide?" He picked up a cute gray dress. It was casual, but some jewelry could brighten it up a bit. Maybe a belt..

"That's perfect, Ethan!" I grabbed it from him and heard coughing from the doorway.

"Umm excuse me, Ethan, but leave the fashion to us." Daniella said dramatically, putting her hands in the air a bit as Hazel pushed Ethan out of the way and towards his room.

"Eh, whatever!" He said, making us all laugh. Daniella and Hazel immediately pushed me towards the bathroom so I could shower. I could practically hear the two giggling, probably planning our wedding. Everything else was a blur, they grabbed me and practically tied me down to the chair. Hazel started on my makeup while Dani did my hair.

"Oooh! Aren't you excited?! It's your first date with Mr. Horan!" Hazel squealed.

"Don't screw this up, Addie." Dani said, making me laugh. I knew I was bound to mess it up somehow. I'd ask a question he might find a little too personal, then there'd be an awkward silence. We'd just stare at each other, coughing awkwardly to fill the silence. He-

"Adelaide? Addie? You still with us?" Hazel waved her hand in front of my face and I snapped out of my horrible thoughts.

"Sorry. Just thinking." I said, biting my lip a bit. "Hey, how are you and the boys?"

Lucky Me // Niall HoranOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora