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Race stirred, turning slightly to the side as his eyelids flickered open. For a second, he stared at his unfamiliar environment, slightly confused. Then, just as quickly, he remembered the night before. He turned to the his left hand side, his eyes immediately coming to rest on Bianca. She stood in the slightly dark room -the fire in the hearth having gone out- right next to the window where the sun was only beginning to appear in the sky.

She seemed busy, he thought, oddly finding some pleasure in just lying there and watching her. He couldn't see what her hands were busy with, but he wasn't sure he cared. Just then, she pushed her sleeves off, and her nightdress fell to her feet, leaving her body bare.

Race laid, spellbound by her perfect form. It wasn't that he hadn't seen her like this before, but for some reason, his body stirred with desire at the sight of her.

She turned around suddenly, and he froze, afraid she'd notice he was awake. But she didn't. She instead reached up and began loosening the braid she had made the night before.

He laid watching her for several minutes, enjoying the sight of what appeared to him to be her daily routine. When she was done loosening the braid, she made a messy bun. Then, she sat on a chair by the dresser, and reached for a bottle. Scented oil? The scent of wildflowers immediately filled the room. He watched with mounting pleasure as she poured the oil in her hands, and began rubbing it on her body. She finished, and turned slightly to the window where the sky was a lot brighter than when he had first woken up.

She rose to her feet, closed the curtains, and turned to the armoire. It was then Race realized what she was about to do, and with the realisation came the feeling of dread.

He tossed the covers to the side and crawled out of bed. He made his was to the armoire where she stood with her back to him, trying to put on a dress. Reaching out, he placed his hand on her shoulder, just as she was putting her hand into a sleeve.

Startled, she gasped and whirled around, wide eyed.


Goodness, she is beautiful! He captured her lips, stopping her flow of words.

At first, she stood still in his arms, her pulse racing against his thumb that was pressed to the side of her neck.

He felt her dress fall to the ground. Groaning, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against himself. She sighed, and clutched his waist, her lips parting to welcome his.

He leaned down and picked her up in his arms. Her arms curled around his neck. He carried her across the room, and placed her on the bed. He slipped out of his clothes and pulled her into his arms once more.


Bianca's eyelids parted to blinding sun rays. Moaning, she placed her used her elbow to block the sun from her face, and turned to the side; the bed was empty. A frown settled on her face at the realisation, but she decided she would give Race the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he had to be somewhere that morning? Certainly he didn't use her to satisfy his lustful desires, then chose to desert her before she woke up. Certainly he didn't find her presence repulsive, and desired nothing but to escape as soon as he was done with her.

She shook her head and rose to her feet. Ringing for a maid, she waited until she appeared, and then requested a bath.

Bianca sank into the lukewarm water, and let out a soft sigh. The water eased her tensed muscle, but it did nothing to ease the dull pain in her chest. Why did the thought of Race abandoning her, right after they had been together, hurt so much? It was stupid to let it affect her, she thought. She knew from the beginning that he didn't love her, he had made it very clear that he didn't. She knew he would never love her, because he made that very clear as well. So, why did she care that he didn't want to spend his entire morning with her? Why did she care that he snuck into her room the night before, and only agreed to sleep beside her because he sought to use her by the slightest break of dawn?

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