The Assassins painting (Runaan x fem. Painter Reader)

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: Hey everyone. First suggestion of them all brought to you by @_ScarlettReaper_ , Congrats to the first suggestion! And I hope you like it. -wolfylunapaws aka Dragon of cosmos

3rd pov

was an excellent painter at the kingdom of katolis, pretty good intact that she even was asked to paint King Harrows coronation, and did an excellent job with it as well, it hangs in Lord Viren's personal study to this day. She has painted for tons of people within the kingdoms, even High general Amaya, her works were well known in many ways, yet today, she decided to venture out to the forest to capture a perfect view of a beautiful forest.


's pov

I was walking along the pathways of the forest outside the kingdom of Katolis, while examining the view along the way. 'such a lovely view, I rarely get to see this since I don't travel all that much these days.' I thought to myself, I have been traveling for an hour about just trying to get the perfect forest view. I walked up near a stream, set my set my art supplies on the ground, started cupping my hands to get myself some water and drank, just because I am an artist doesn't mean that I don't know how to survive in the forest.
After getting a few gulps, I then splashed my face, it's wet surface cooled me down fantastically fast, 'what is with the river?' I thought as it seemed almost as cold as snow, but then went to examining the reflective surface of the river, seeing how much of a peace of art it naturally captures, I was looking at my reflection, and marveling at how the water gives off such an interesting wave with its ripples and flow. My H\c was well in a f\h\s but then my eyes went to the reflections eyes, those e\c orbs seem to lack something, mainly I figured it out quickly, they longed to see the beauty of Xadia. I knew that wouldn't be possible, but for now, I decided to pull out my painters canvas and paint the picture of my reflection. I began to use charcoal to sketch my outline in the watery surface. Starting with the head, hair, and neck\top of chest, I then moved on with the eyes, getting the lashes in then filling the pupils in, moving into the nose and mouth, finally I started to get my paints out, starting off with the background of a clear watery blue sky, moving off to the hair, it took a bit of trial and error to get it made correctly to match my hair but I painted it with a tiny hint of blue that seems accurate when looking at the waters surface, I then moved to the skins surface, making it with trial and error once more, and adding a tiny bit of super light blue in the mix, and finally added the shades for the shadow. It took around 30 or so minutes to Finnish the whole thing just for me to wait for it to dry, I wanted to layer on the eyes, details of the nose, and the mouth with amazing realistic lips. So I waited another 10 minutes for it to dry, and during that time, I slightly heard faint wishes and rustling, and shrugged it off as nature being the way it was, I also started grabbing my satchel for some food. Grabbing an apple, I began to hear another rustle, this time it seemed to be a little louder than before but I couldn't tell all that much. After finishing the apple off, I checked on the painting, it was mostly dry, the middle still seemed damp-ish, so I began to make the eye whites on the painting, as well as the eyebrows, moving on to the nose, finally after waiting for it to dry, making each and every detail nice and professional. Lastly the mouth, adding in my details of the opening for the mouth and started doing the lips, giving a darker skin color with a mix of blue, putting in the detail of the lips, nice and gently in place. Waiting for another 5 minutes, I began to examine where I was at. The green out here was nothing like Katolises orchards. So rich and vibrant they scream beauty of the wild. I checked back to see if it was dry, and it was, I filled in the eyelashes and the eyes color. As well as to add a bit of shine to the hair and the face. very lightly I used my brush to add the site of shine. It was completed in the fence of hard work, but it needed to dry off. I looked back in my satchel of food in its many pockets, grabbing out a sandwich to devour. Once more their was a rustle, this time I can tell it was closer. I again decided to ignore it just figuring it was just an animal. After finishing my sandwich, I knew the painting dried, so I put my art supplies away, along with the painting, but not before washing off my brushes in the river, and getting my water holding device filled up for the road. After that I felt a breath tingle down my back as I stood up, turning around I spotted an elf, no a moonshadow elf who then grabbed my waist with the arms included, along with my back pack full of art supplies. ' oh Crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap' I thought as i was being held against my will, then this elf held out a rather beautiful cloth up to my mouth and nose and all the sudden I felt rather light headed, and fell asleep.
3rd pov
You have been stalked by no other than a moonshadow elf, and his name was Runaan, "she has seen too much." He said as he then carried you, the satchel and the pack of art supplies up into the tree tops and tree hopped back to his elf camp. Once there he took your unconscious body and tied my hands back around the tree of the camp. He would normally kill on sight, but he saw the pack, and automatically felt that this artist would make a great art salve for when he got back to Xadia, or more or less as an art servant who only does art, he then rummaged into the artists pack and pulled out your paintings, sketch book and other things of use for putting your creativity on to examine them. He saw your sketches of the flowers and orchards in katolis, and the paintings of the village and the people in the main area where prince Callum and Soren train together, he marveled at the work, and looked at your latest edition, your reflection on the river. He couldn't help but marvel at your art work in mesmerising beauty. They other elves looked in confusion, including Rayla, finalizing of them asked " why is this human captured instead of killed?" Runaan responded with "this human will be our man in the inside who knows our targets and where they'll be. " the other elves left him alone to then put the paintings and sketches back in the pack, and also to wake the human up.

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