The messages

15 0 0

Ashley's POV

It was the next day we had to record a short video, so I can edit it later.  We were going to the list of ideas. None of them sound entertaining, or safe. Which I care about. As were brainstorming a ding came from Ashlyn's phone.

"I told you to turn your volume down so we can think." I say rolling my eyes at her.

"Whatever" She reaches for her phone and checks it.

"David replied..D-David replied..Dav-" She said repeating over and over.

"Okay! I get it" I snatched her phone.

David Dobrik:
You guys seem cool, how old are you guys you seem young i don't wanna get in trouble 😂

Luna twins:
Funny..we're 19 so you're good I'm Ashley btw.

David Dobrik:
What are your other social media's
So I can follow u guys

Luna twins:
Ah we don't have an insta but
Our yt is The Luna Twins. (SuCH a
SuPrIsED right?!)

David Dobrik;
You guys have a yt channel?!
Ooo this is fun!

Luna twins:

David Dobrik:
Gtg record I'll talk to you later 🙃

"OMG David is going to watch our videos!?" Ashlyn freaks out. Great for our brainstorming time.



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