Chapter 24: Stuck with her

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Boboiboy's POV

*toot* *toot *toot* *toot*

The alarm clock suddenly rings, 7 am strucked. I was awakened and heard heavy foot steps towards our room. I closed my eyes again and smiled.

"Here it comes..."

"RRRRROOARRRR GET UP! 5 MINUTES IS OVER!", Our real alarm clock waked up me and Gopal

"Eh huhuhu g-good morning our ever lovable Admiral!", Gopal greeted, at the same time, still moaning

"Huh Tidy up already or else, I'll throw you away from TAPOPS and let those space worms eat you until you reached various dimensions and get lost!", Admiral warned

"Okay okay lah, you talk to much", Gopal rolled his eyes not knowing who's he talking to, Admiral gave him a death glare, making Gopal sweat all over

"Hehe awesome~", I gave them a thumbs up, Admiral slammed the door out leaving us behind, scared to death

I rushed then and wore my usual clothes and my signature cap, with a lightning-designed B letter on it. I faced the mirror and proudly pinned back the TAPOPS pin on my left part chest, you know the thingy that reminds that you are an official member of TAPOPS. I walked with Gopal along the hallways to the main headquarters. I let out a big sigh after I remembered what happened 3 years ago, that we fought with Captain Vargoba for the sake of the power spheres and TAPOPS station.

"Are you okay Boboiboy?" Gopal asked, concerned.

"I'm totally fine Gopal", He patted my shoulder and I smiled at him, I'm glad that I'm along with this big guy.

We passed by Ying and Yaya's room and saw the two of them about to walk to the same way we are going. We greeted each other our warmest good morning greetings. We reached the headquarters and saw Commander Kokoci, Admiral and Fang.

"Ishh ish, It's your first mission after a long time and you're late?", The commander pointed his long stainless stick to us

"Hehehe we're sorry commander, besides, Yaya and Ying are late too", Gopal excused.

"Excuse me?", Yaya put both of her hands on her hips

"For your information, our lance corporals were awake so early this morning, they were so excited to take the new mission and they even helped on gathering more informations about the dimension you are all going to", Admiral in beast mode, explained.

"Unlike you two", Fang smirked

"Hmp! These girls are just show offs, they are just trying to impress their selves to you guys to get higher ranks and blah blah blah blah", not noticing, behind the busy blabing Gopal were the girls in their fierce modes on, Yaya and Ying's sides that everyone get frightened of. Poor Gopal ...

"Huhuhuhuhu why?...WHYYYYYYYYY", Gopal groaned

"Hmp serves you right baka!", Ying crossed her arms

"Baka?", Admiral curiously asked

"It's Idiot! Idiot!", Gopal shouted

"Ohhh Admiral, Gopal called you idiot, how rude tch tch", I smirked

"Eh ehh I just repeated idiot twice!", Gopal sweat dropped

"Enough with the non sense!. Commander, just tell them their mission already", Admiral Tarung called out

"Uhh Right", Commander Kokoci adjusted his shades, swaegy

"So what's our mission commander?", I asked

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