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Marinette's eyes opened slightly as her head began to pound.

"Nnnghh...W-Where am I?" She looked around trying to make sense of her surroundings as her vision became slightly clearer.

"Ahh~My princess is awake" A blurry white figure walked towards her.

"C-Chat?" She finally made the sense of the figure and realized it was indeed Chat... But he wasn't the Chat she knew. He possessed the same leather, tight suit but all white. His eyes weren't the comforting, loving green shade she once knew. They appeared to be glowing, purple and dangerous. Marinette tried to move but quickly realized she was chained to a bed in a place that seemed like it had been abandoned for years.

"Chat. Why are you doing this?" She gulped.

"Doing what Purrrincess~?" He slowly walked to the side of the bed and smirked. Marinette could clearly see the craziness in his eyes and bit her lip. "Marinette... I'm not going to hurt you... I just want you to love me"

"This isn't exactly how you get someone to love you Chat" He growled and pulled one of the chains slightly towards him, making her wince.

"I've tried many times before nicely M'Lady" He let go then climbed on top of her, "You gave me no choice but to take your love forcefully" Marinette whimpered at his actions causing her to tear up. Stay strong Marinette. You can get out of this.

"Chat Noir. Please stop this..." She begged, "Please let me go"

"I'm not Chat Noir!" He yelled, making her flinch then breathed in deeply. "It's Chat Blanc now Princess" He leaned in close to her face and smirked as he kissed her nose.

"C-Chat please" Marinette felt a tear go down her face.

"I need you Marinette~" He placed one of his hands onto her chest and slowly traced it down her body. Marinette moved in an attempt to get him off her but Chat and his chains were too strong. He moved his hand under her shirt and began to move the material upwards.

"Chat...Please Stop..." Marinette cried. He chuckled evilily and stopped.

"But of course Princess~" He got off from on top of her and placed his hand on her cheek, cupping them as he forcefully moved her face to look at his. "You might not be so lucky next time M'Lady" He leaned in closer and whispered into her ear, "I might not be able to control myself" He kissed her neck and licked it softly causing Marinette to shiver. He smirked and stood up once again, taking his hand away from her face and started to walk away.

"W-Where are you going!?" Marinette yelled.

"Out. I'll be back soon Purrincess~" He looked back at her and smirked as he walked out of the warehouse. Marinette groaned as she looked around, trying to find a way out. I hope he didn't take Tikki...

"Tikki?" Marinette whispered. Tikki popped out from her shirt and smiled.

"Don't worry Marinette! He didn't bother to look for me" Marinette sighed in relief.

"Do you think you could help?" Marinette asked quietly. Tikki nodded and quickly used her kwami powers to unlock the chains. Marinette broke free and gripped at her wrist. She got off from the bed and jumped in fear as she heard noises at the door.

"Oh no... He's coming back" Marinette looked at Tikki, "Quick Tikki, spots on!" Marinette transformed. As the noises got closer she began to panic.

"Lucky Charm!" Her magical specialty gave her a red, black spotted baseball. She frantically looked at her surroundings and noticed a ladybug pattern on one of the windows on top of the window. She quickly threw the baseball at the window, making it shatter. "Perfect"

The doors dividing Marinette and Chat opened as he looked at her with rage.

"Don't you even think about" She quickly grabbed her yo-yo and threw it out the broken window. He sprinted towards her almost grabbing her as she pulled on her string, allowing her to make her escape. He growled as he fell to the floor.

Don't think I won't find you again M'Lady... You will be mine.

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