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Filler kinda chapter but hey, it's something. Hope you vote and comment.

Thanks for all the love so far!


There were times where I wished I could just get a degree in my hand, without studying. That could happen, ofcourse. I was the first lady after all, they could do that for me.

But studying and working hard to get something, that feeling of I did it. I wanted that.

The heating system across the room helped my shaking body as I completed another assignment.

Winters in Islamabad were quite cold this time, and with winter came the urge of laying around in bed all day and doing nothing productive.

But I couldn't hold it on any longer. I had assignments to complete and notes to study, my mid term exams were approaching soon.

So while I was home bound, I thought it was better to sit in my bedroom and complete my studies.

I was sat on the wooden floor, a fluffy mat underneath me as I sipped on my chai and typed on the laptop.

Media ethics.

What to write on media ethics when the ethics of the media in this country were absolutely pathetic?

Most stories have at least two sides. While there is no obligation to present every side in every piece, stories should be balanced and add context. Objectivity is not always possible, and may not always be desirable (in the face for example of brutality or inhumanity), but impartial reporting builds trust and confidence-

I was in the middle of typing when the I heard footsteps approaching the open door of my bedroom. I looked up and spotted Ahad standing there.

In a white shalwar kameez and his perfectly gelled hair, he glanced at me.

"Hey," He greeted, sitting on the bed.

I hadn't seen him in almost two days, he had been busy with his railway ministry work.

He had so much to prove in the first hundred days, especially when Zaydaan was going to review each and every ministry's work and sack the ministers who had not performed well.

The hundred days were going to be completed in the next two weeks, that made him work even more hard.

I smiled at him, we hadn't really talked after my coughing drama to save his ass since Zaydaan had been spending some time with me.

He wasn't very affectionate with me but he was gentle and kind, caring even.

And he had told me that he cared and that I was not nothing. I didn't know whether he had said it out of pity or anxiety, but it definitely had an affect on me.

"Hello, what's up?" I greeted Ahad back, who was staring at the pile of notes and mugs of tea around me.

"Just came back from a press conference, what are you doing?"

I shrugged, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

"Studying, I've got loads of assignments that I need to complete." I told him, he groaned.

"Oh right, home study shit. I can't imagine studying like that."

It was hard, not having your friends and class mates around, not turning important lectures into funny conversations.

"I miss my university, honestly. I don't even remember the last time that I talked to my friends." I replied.

Ahad stood up from the bed, picking up a few notes and scanning them.

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