The Mystery Remains

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The Jackal Faced God of Balance...

Without wasting much time, we immediately headed back to the hotel. Once we were in our common room, we opened our laptop, in which we had stored all the decrypted data. The discussions began...

The face of the tyrant looked even more alive in grayscale than it would've been in colour. But what surprised me was the fact that none of us was afraid. We were shocked at first, but as soon as the shock cleared, a full blown debate ensued on the ancient mythologies surrounding the Egyptian Gods and their roles in the Ancient Egyptian Society. And it was found out that believing the Gods were actually Aliens made the tales infinitely more sensible than believing them to be pieces of fiction. But the implication also dawned on us that if Anubis did exist, then the threat was real, and Humankind's future was in danger.

We read the letter again...
"Every time the universe went to disbalance, I came to balance it back. No matter what the cause, nothing stood before me. Fiery, Molten pool of rocks; Fire-breathing Flying Reptiles; Gigantic Lizards; Whenever anything caused disbalance, I have wiped it out. And now, humankind has threatened the natural balance, and I'll come to balance it.

Now that we saw the message in a clearer light, two questions arose.
"If the GODS had enough power to create and sustain balance in a freaking PLANET, Why are they watching over us? Clearly they have nothing to gain."
"What in the World is 397?"

The first question was rather difficult to answer, as we knew absolutely nothing of these aliens, except for the fact that they had helped our Egyptian ancestors build their civilisation. And that they were watching over us till this day. We started speculating over the answer and got a lot of weird scenarios, most of which we denied as they seemed to be out of the horizons of possibility. Finally the answer we stuck to was really cinematic and completely absurd. But it was within the realm of possibility. This answer we came to was colonization.

I know, I know... It felt rubbish to us as well, but looking at the facts we unanimously agreed to it. I'm sharing the point of view with you as well. The Aliens have been watching over us for so many years, and have helped us advance ourselves, but Why? It's not like this was a selfless act. Had it been one, they would've revealed themselves to us, for having peaceful relations... But since they didn't, we have no base for assuming they don't have vested interests. Rather, believing they want to colonize makes a lot more sense. If they want to colonize, they'll have to first get the planet suitable for their survival. And seeing how technologically advanced they are, they are obviously waiting for us to reach the zenith of our technological growth before colonizing. And that's what we think. But it is our own speculation, our point of view.

But that still doesn't solve the second question. The number 397 was still shrouded in many mysteries. And... We were tired. This revelation had taken a toll on our psyche. And it was almost nightfall. So, we all quickly said our Good Nights, went to our respective rooms, and tucked ourselves in.

Next day, as we were going to the pyramids, we all noticed something weird going on. There were vans and jeeps all around our decryption camp. Our first guess was that they were press vans. We had decided the previous night that we didn't have enough info for the press yet, to talk about this "Curse of Anubis" (As named by our youngest group member). And none of us were against the name. After all, the extinction of humankind was a curse, a curse placed by Anubis himself. But even after having a catchy media-loving name like that, we were too short on information to blabber about in public. So we opted to avoid the vans.

"But, that logo looks as non-media as it can get!" Pointed out the 'naming genius' of our group. We followed his finger and saw that he was right. It was NOT the Press, it was something completely else. It was the Military...

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