Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to George R.R. Martin and J.K. Rowling.

A/N: I write for my pleasure, so don't expect regular update. As usual, don't like, don't read. I didn't get paid anyway, so I don't have much time to deal with your bullshit. Cheers.

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Chapter 2
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Water Gardens, early 266 AC

"I don't think this is a good idea, brother." Hermione warned. Her brother just smirked.

"Aww, come on sister, nothing would happen. We're not going far." He said. "Now, come."

Hermione sighed, but followed his adventurous older brother. Right now, they were sneaking out of the property so Oberyn can explore. Explore what, Hermione didn't even have a clue. Afterall, there's nothing but desert and rocky hill beyond the property. But she guessed it was more to satiated Oberyn's sense of freedom and his affinity to push his boundaries.

Doran had just left for Essos, and even if they just connected for the past two years, Hermione no doubt would miss her brother. So to cheer her up, her parents decided to send their children to Water Gardens, the place they frequented when they need downtime.

They were ten minutes walk from the border of Water Gardens when Hermione feels her magic stirred, like it warned her about some kind of danger ahead.

"Oberyn! Brother, please, stop."

"What is it, sister? Are you chickening out?" He teased.

"No! But there's something..."

That something turned out to be a pack of coyotes, their head peaking out of a small hill in front of them. Their nose twitched, sniffing out potential prey, some even growled with saliva dripping out of their mouths.

"Oberyn, get back! Slowly, brother." She whispered harshly. He obeyed, backing out slowly, eyes still fixed on the wild beasts. When he finally reached his sister, the beasts had drawn closer, circling them like they are some kind of nice, juicy fresh meat, which probably they are. He holds her hand tightly, heart pounding, probably matched with Hermione's own.

"I'm so sorry, sister. I shouldn't have-"

"We shouldn't, but we did." She whispered harshly. "Now, we just have to get out of here."

But their option was taken when suddenly, the pack decided to attack. Oberyn tried to shield her with his body, but she had thrown her hands forward and cast protego non-verbally, hoping her magic could help her and her brother.

Loud crunchs and pained whimpers gave assurance that the spell works. Now, there is a transparent dome surrounding the two siblings. The beasts tried several times to launch themselves, but got the same result as their other pack mate.

"What the- H-how..."

But Hermione didn't get to answered as at the same time, they heard a group of guards calling their names. The commotions dissuaded the beasts to pursue their prey. Spooked, they swiftly backed away, leaving the two siblings alone. Hermione barely got the time to cancelled her spell before the guards surrounding them.

Hermione was taken into her nursemaid's arm, who assumed Hermione paleness was caused by fear, not magical exhaustion. Oberyn caught her eyes as he recounted their encounter with the coyotes -minus the dome of protection, of course- and his stare conveying his needs of explanation. Hermione sighed, but nodded at her brother.

It was later that night Oberyn snuck into her chamber, demanding explanation.

"What was that, Maya?"

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