Ch 20

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We set out at night. Finn and Lily has stayed behind as Finn explained he had already spoken to his parents before he left and the less of us going, the lesser the risk we'd be caught. So when night fell, it was Isaac, Esme and I who ventured out into it.

I felt a similar thrill to the night I had first snuck out of Arden, so many nights ago. I wasn't sure how much time had passed since then, but I suddenly remembered I'd be returning to an empty house. I would let Esme say goodbye to her family alone, as I thought that was something that should be done by herself. So I would be returning back to my childhood home. The thought made me think of my father, I'd be walking the halls he walked, I'd be seeing the kitchen he cooked me blueberry pancakes in and the old leather couch we'd have late night conversations on. It brought tears to my eyes and I wiped them away.

"You okay?" Isaac said, as he kissed the side of my head and I nodded wordlessly.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I could deal with this. I would say goodbye to my father for a final time and bid that house and that life goodbye, so I could move onto another one, I looked up into Isaac's stormy grey eyes as they stared back tenderly and I was filled with warmth.

"Ready to go?" Esmeralda asked, her long curls were pulled into a high ponytail, similar to mine. It was easier to see without it constantly covering my face.

"Where exactly is Arden?" He asked and Finn stood, "I'll be showing you how to get there, but you'll be going in alone."

Isaac nodded, laying a hand on his shoulder. "I appreciate it."

The four of us headed out, a silence hanging above us as we were all filled with adrenaline and nerves. I wasn't sure how I felt about returning, It felt oddly nostalgic to think or returning.

We reached the outskirts of the town quite quickly, where the forest met the town and Finn walked ahead confidently. Esme and I had a rough idea of where the entrance was but Finn could lead us there more easily. We trekked through the woods silently, the only accompaniment was the birds and the wind whooshing through the dense trees. My footsteps filled the brisk night air and Isaac reached over to grasp my hand in his.

"Are you nervous?" He whispered and I avoided looking up at him as I nodded slightly.

"Is it stupid to be?"

He rubbed small circles into my hand and let out a breath. "Not at all. It's going to be a lot of memories, but I'm here with you every step of the way."

I felt my face burn up but smiled regardless, before I squeezed his hand tightly in response.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, Finn Came to a stop and I saw the same thing as last time, there was a small gap in the forest and there were two trees with a small gap between them facing me.

"Well? It's now or never." He said and stepped back to let us through.

"You'll be able to get back okay?" He asked and Isaac nodded in assurance. "I'll get them back safe and sound."

Finn clapped him in the shoulder before leaving. Esmeralda turned to us, her eyes wide and nervous.

"Let's go."

She stepped through and just like that, disappeared from my sight. Isaac let out a low whistle and I stepped forward, his hand in mine as I stepped through the entrance.

Just like before, I could feel the difference In the air. It was slight, but you could feel it nonetheless.

"The air changed." Isaac noted, almost curiously and I let out a quiet laugh.

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