Feeling Down? 😔

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Some tips to help overcome depression/anxiety

1. Take a drink of water.
2. Take a shower.
3. Do your hair and makeup.
4. Eat a meal with protein.
5. Check your B12 and iron levels.
6. Clean your room.
7. Cuddle up with your pet (if you have one).
8. Go for a walk. To the gym.

1. Go to a library.
2. Hold a actual book.
3. Discuss a world event.
4. Feel safe sharing your opinion.
5. Solve a sudoku.
6. Do a puzzle.

1. Talk to a family member.
2. Go get coffee/tea with a friend.
3. Go on/off social media.
4. Learn a skill in a social setting.
5. Take part in a community event.
6. Smile at a stranger.

1. Take a moment to enjoy nature.
2. Talk to your guides.
3. Talk to someone you're inspired by.
4. Help out someone.
5. Do something with intention.
6. Take a long deep breath.

1. Let yourself cry.
2. Let yourself be mad.
3. Write a gratitude list.
4. Tell someone your true feelings.
5. Talk to a therapist.
6. Write your thoughts out on paper.
7. Say I love you.
8. Say no.

Might as well get some writing done while on this flight.

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