4. Getting Food

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Shit. Not even 15 minutes of talking to these guys, and I was making a fool of myself.

I looked around at everyone. Then they all busted out laughing. I cautiously smiled. "Why didn't she say that when she saw me, "Jin whined. Suga flicked his head. "ow," Jin exclaimed.

"Well now that we got introductions out of the way why don't we get something to eat at the hotel then go to the party," Jimin said. They all nodded there head in agreement. While I sat there confused.

"Ummm, If you don't mind me asking what party, "I asked.

"Every year there is an idol party," Jungkook said."Always in the same city at the same venue."Jimin interjected. "It's a private event the public doesn't know about it, "V added.

"So if it is a private can I even come?"I questioned. "Of, course your our guest."Rap Mon said with a smile.

"First we are going to the hotel to eat, and chill then we are going to the party," Jungkook explained.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the hotel. I could hear screams and dozens of cameras going off.

"Looks like the paparazzi found out where we're staying."Rap Mon said with a sigh. "Just stay behind us."He said to me.

We quickly made our way out of the car. Dozens of people surrounded us. I felt so claustrophobic. I don't know how they deal with this on a daily bases.

After what felt like forever we made our way to the hotel. A woman greeted us. "Hello and Welcome. I will guide you to the restaurant."

There was a restaurant in the hotel that's some fancy people shit.

We made our way to the restaurant, and she showed us to our table. "Is this ok."She asked bts. "Yes, of course."They all said. "Ok,enjoy your stay. if you have any question make sure to call the front desk," she said and then left.

We sat down and ordered.

"So Tiana, "Suga asked. "How many languages do you speak."

"English,Spanish,Mandarin,Russian,Korean,French,German,Italian ,Arabic,Portuguese,Greek,Thai,Latin,Creole,Hindi,Cantonese,Japanese. I know a little of other languages, but those are the ones I'm fluent in." They were all shocked.

"Wow, that's incredible," Hobi said. "Rap Mon she's smarter than you," They all laughed. When I just sat there confused.

"You don't know," Jimin said. "Rap Mon IQ is 148, and he thought himself English by watching Friends."

I looked over at him to see him blushing, and shyly looking away. Most people I know would be bragging about, but he acted like it was no big deal.

Our food came, Rap Mon got black noodles. Jimin, Jungkook, and Jin got Steak. V got lamb skewers, and Suga and Hobi got bulgogi. I got pizza.

We sat and talked. They told me how they each got into bts. I told them how I got into learning languages. It was fun and hours felt like seconds.

Rap Mon checked his watch. "Guys it 8:30 we should start getting ready. Since Jin going to need at least an hour to do his hair." We all laughed. "Hey!" Jin said.

"Here, "Rap Mon said and handed me a card. "This is your room card. We are staying on the same floor our rooms are next to each other. We are meeting in the lobby at 9:30."He said looking at me with an intense gaze. 

"If you need anything I'm the room next to on your left."

We all went into the elevator to go to our room. Once I was in my room, I started freaking out.

I had an hour to get ready for the biggest most exclusive idol party...

and I had no idea what I was going to wear.

and I had no idea what I was going to wear

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