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"I don't wanna fucking hear it any more!"

"You need to listen to me!  This isn't my fault!  She's the problem!"

Oh no.  Emma thought.  Not again.  Tears streamed down her face as she huddled in the corner, listening to her parents yell at one another as she did almost every day. 

"Maybe both of you just need to get the fuck out!"

"Don't say that, baby, you know I love you.  We can do this together.  Emma doesn't have to be a part--" Kristen Scott is cut off harshly as a rough, calloused hand makes contact with her cheek, instantly reddening it.

She could smell alcohol on his breath, but that's not what she was worried about.  He couldn't leave her.  Not again.  Not after everything they had gone through last time.  It's all Emma's fault!  If she wasn't here, everything would be okay.  I wouldn't have to spend so much time listening to her cry and complain and could spend time rebuilding my relationship instead.  She knows just how to ruin everything.

"Are you gonna shut your damn mouth now?" Mike's strict remark pulls her out of her thoughts.  All she can do is stare.
"You think the world revolves around you, like you don't deserve a damn bit of criticism or negativity.  You and Emma both!  You need a fucking reality check!"

"I knew this was about her!  I am fucking fed up with her."

Before he can say anything else, she storms off to find Emma. 

Oh God.  Emma thinks, taking in her mother's new remark.  I gotta do something.  I can't handle any more of this.  Determined, Emma runs off to find a phone.  Just as fast as she can, her little fingers rush to dial 911. 

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Please help me!  They won't stop.  She's coming.  She's gonna hurt me again!" Emma squeaks.

"Okay, don't worry, sweetie, help is on the way.  What's your name?"


"Emma!" Her mother's furious call cuts her off. 

With a gasp, Emma hides the phone behind her back and shrinks back even further into the corner as her mother's fist makes contact with her jaw, throwing her head back against the wall. She reels back from the pain as blood begins to pour from her nose.  She is left breathless, breathless and thoughtless. 

"It's all your fucking fault!" Emma's mother heartlessly yells.

A loud banging sounds at the door.  "Police! Open the door!"

Kristen's jaw drops as she looks at her daughter with a new kind of hatred.  "You little brat!" She kicks her in the ribs with all the force she can muster as the police break down the door and begin to flood into the room.  Kristen jumps back from her and rolls her eyes at the police as they take in the situation.

While Kristen is being handcuffed and removed from the room, one police officer makes his way over to Emma with worried eyes.  "It's gonna be okay.  Everything will be okay.  You'll never have to go through this again, I promise."

With this new thought in her head, Emma begins to drift into unconsciousness with a new peace in her mind.  She would never have to experience that pain ever again.

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