Epilogue: Say the words bravely - adding nothing, denying nothing (David Mamet)

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Brett jumped up. His phone had vibrated. He rushed so bad trying to get it out of his pocket, the phone slipped from his fingers and skidded away on the floor. He bolted from his bench and caught it. The phone vibrated again. What time was it? It was dark outside. A plane taxied not far, its lights blinking. Damn! Had Eddy landed? Had he missed him?

Texts. There were texts. From Eddy: take it back

how dare u?

The phone vibrated again. I cook da best burned kung pao in da world

Brett began texting back, where...

But the phone buzzed in his hand. no rice for u tonite

where r u? Brett finished his text and pressed "send".

His phone buzzed. changed my mind. plenty of rice for u tonite

"Come on," Brett groaned, "where are you?"

stuck at passport control

He had landed! Brett had better dash back to the arrival gate. But before he could put his phone away, it vibrated again.

u better be on the other side of that door

where r u brettybrett?

Brett texted as he walked. on the other side of that door

He chose a spot that gave him a good view of the glass exit doors. One month. And two days. That's how long Eddy had been gone. Brett was twitching. No, he was wriggling. Literally. He put a hand on the rail to steady himself. Deep breath. Stillness. Deadpan face on. Dignified. Come on, man.

Passengers began to appear in the corridor behind the glass panes, and Brett put a second hand on the rail. Now he was waggling. For fuck's sake.

He saw him through the glass. The tall silhouette, the black hair. Eddy had his mauve violin case on his back, and was pulling his suitcase behind him. Brett felt a grin stretch across his face and waited for Eddy to pass the glass doors. He didn't even need to wave. The next second, Eddy's face had broken into a wide smile and he was walking towards him. They both moved silently, alongside the rail that separated them until it finished, and Eddy was standing fully in front of him.

"G'day, mate," Eddy said.

"G'day, mate," Brett replied.

Then Brett took his friend in his arms and hugged him tight.

"Yo, Brett, bro, did you... did you just kiss me on the mouth?" Eddy asked.

"Got a problem with that?" Brett replied.

"None. At. All. Whatsoever. I'm just not used to you being so... public. Have you noticed, this is an airport, man."

"I've been waiting in it for the last three hours so, yeah, it hasn't passed my notice." Brett took his friend in his arms again.

"Have you just kissed me, again, BrettyBrett?" Eddy asked.

"I think I have. If it wasn't anyone else..." Brett looked around. "Nope. It was me."

"Mmm..." Eddy said, and Brett glanced up just in time to catch a small mischievous spark in Eddy's eyes.

But Brett had one pressing matter on his mind. Well, a few, but that was the first.

"I know it's going to sound weird, but I have a question. You know the gigue in the partita in D, right?"

"By heart."

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