Chapter 11: A Chat With Nagini

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Harry watched as the black and tan dog galloped around the quidditch pitch, running in mindless circles, chasing her tail, and tripping over herself.

He sighed and slid down onto the grass, crossing his legs. It didn't look like she was going to tire out any time soon. She wasn't really fat, just very large boned and tall. He didn't know what breed she was, but she was extremely active, well within the realm of hyper. When inside for too long, she had the tendency to knock furniture over, and when outside, the wide open spaces apparently made her a bit overwhelmed and giddy.

Keeping an eye on her, Harry let his mind drift back to the Gringotts mystery. It really would help if he at least knew which vault had been broken into, and he still didn't know what Hagrid could possibly have to do with it, or why his father was interested either, or if Dumbledore had anything to do with it . . .

But at that, something came together in Harry's head. He could almost imagine he heard a 'click'. Dumbledore.

He remembered Dumbledore's words at the start of term feast: "And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."

It couldn't be a coincidence that Hagrid, one of Dumbledore's lackeys, was at Gringotts earlier on the day that it was robbed. No, no, it was no coincidence, he was sure of it. He was also beginning to doubt that his father was responsible for the attempted theft. Since they were there that day, and he saw Hagrid empty the vault, there would have been no reason to waste time and money on breaking into one of the most secure places in the world. Of course, that begged the question of who else had the resources to do so, but he supposed the more important matter was what it was everyone wanted to steal so badly.

But that brought Harry to another dilemma. He was fairly certain that whatever it was that had been taken out of the vault was at Hogwarts in the third floor corridor on the right-hand side, but now he had to figure out a way to get into that particular part of the school without being seen. And then, once he was there, what was so dangerous that he might end up dying a very painful death?

Hello, child.

Harry almost jumped ten feet off of the ground at the unexpected hissing sound, but calmed down when he registered its familiarity.

Nagini, Harry hissed back sharply. Must you sneak up on me like that?

The large, black snake hissed in a parody of laughter, curling around herself and gently swaying her head back and forth. You seemed to be lost in thought, my dear child. What are you so deeply focused on?

Nothing important, he lied. School. Homework. Revenge on people who have angered me. That kind of thing.

The snake's tongue flicked out. You smell like dog, Harry.

Harry nodded in the direction of Sabine, who had, by now, found her way onto the bleachers and was skidding up and down the rows, ever so often slamming into the seats. Sabine, Severus Snape's dog. I'm walking her to gain back House points.

Points? You've already lost some?

The awful Care of Magical Creatures professor, Hagrid, apparently thought I was talking too much. Ten points and a detention with Severus.

Hagrid? RubeusHagrid? Nagini questioned sharply, coiling in a bit more.

Harry's eyes widened. Yes! You know him?

I've . . . heard of him, she responded carefully.

Why does he hate me? Do you know?

Nagini ignored his questions. I heard from that new snake of yours, what's his name? Montague? About that incident with the Weasley brat in the Great Hall.

He's a git. Worse than a git. He called me a lackey. A lackey. He even challenged me to a duel. The nerve . . .

Did you accept?

Of course not, Nagini. Even I know better than that.

Chances are if Nagini had had an eyebrow she would've raised it in skepticism, but she decided not to comment, opting instead to stare at the frolicking dog in the distance. Finally, she spoke, Your father also told me to remind you to stay away from the mudbloodRavenclaw girl. It's very inappropriate for you to be around her.

Harry glared down at her. Tell my hypocritical father that I think she could be a very valuable asset for the Death Eaters in the future. She's powerful and already interested in the Dark Arts. It's not as if she's a bloody Gryffindor, unlike my mother, who he bloody knocked up-

Nagini calmly interrupted him. You may want to watch that foul dog of yours a bit closer.

What? Harry looked back over at Sabine. He was on his feet in a flash. "Sabine! Stop trying to eat Mrs. Norris!"

Another short chapter, but the next one will be much longer, I promise.

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