Rvb S9 E7 "Girl Troubles"

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Valhalla/Red Base
Simmons and Grif are seen loading their warthog with supplies, while Sarge is in front of Leo (No helmet) who's sitting on a crate.

Sarge: Alright now, this might hurt a bit.

Leo holds his breath as Sarge firmly grabs Leo's broken nose and puts it back into place with an crack.

Sarge: Sorry Son, but that should do it now.

Leo: (Groans) Thanks Sarge.

Sarge: How you holding up?

Leo: (Sighs) Not so, good. I find out my Sister been alive all this time and she still holds a grudge against me.

Sarge: If you don't mind me asking, why does she blame you for... your mothers death?

Leo: That's the thing, Sarge. I've got no fucking clue. I loved my mother just as much as she did and she's the one blaming me. It's not like a killed our Mum, but apparently she thinks so!

Sarge wraps Leo in a hug.

Sarge: It's alright, Leo. I know for one you aren't the cause of her death, no matter what your Sis says.

Leo: (Smiles) Thanks... Dad.

Sarge: (Chuckles) Been awhile since called me that.

Leo: Yeah, I guess so...

Sarge: Not like I mind or anything.

Over to Grif and Simmons loading up the warthog

Grif: Tell me again why we're leaving?

Simmons: Apparently Washington told us that Leo's crazy sister wants to go and retrieve Church. But, doing so we're going to have to break into a UNSC base... I for one don't like this at all.

Grif: Yeah, a lot work to do. Also since when did Leo have a Sister?

Simmons: Always I guess? He never mentioned her, but what happened earlier explains why.

Grif: Did she Seriously break his nose?

Simmons: Yeah...

Grif: Jesus and here I thought my Sister and I had relationship.

Wash comes walking towards red base.

Wash: How's everything here?

Simmons: Where almost done packing.

Wash: That's good. Once where done packing we'll bring the mongooses from our base over here.

Grif: Why do we have to do this? Can't we just stay here and like... not do anything.

Wash: If we do this we can finally put down the project that's put you guys here in the first place.

Wash looks over to where Sarge and Leo are with Sarge bandaging Leo's nose up.

Wash: How's Leo doing?

Grif: He's fine a bit depressed looking, but fine.

Wash: I just hope Carolina won't be to hard on him through this trip. Wait, where's the other warthog you guys said you had?

Simmons: It's parked on the other side of the base, covered in bushes.

Wash: Why is covered in bushes?

Simmons: Sarge, thought you guys would steal it or something.

Grif: He's a bit paranoid really.

Red vs Blue Season 9: Male OcUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum